Logger 1.4 Written by David E. Basile for PCB 14.5a Logger is a program I put together for our BBS. I wanted something that was configurable, looked good, and I didn't feel like registering another program. I hope I accomplished this. All it does is create a file of the last callers that can be used a bulletin or displayed each time a user logs on to your board. You can also use the Super User Select feature which will put a tag by the users name using certain select criteria. It also allows you to exempt users from the log after they have logged on so many times. Handy for the Co-sysop that logs on 8 times, one right after another. It is totally Sysop configurable. **Note: If you are using a previous version of Logger you might want to delete your bulletin so it will look correct. No harm if you don't but it may look a bit funny until the first XX number of callers are selected. **See History for what's new! Setup is very easy. Create a file with following information: Logger.cfg Line 1: File name to create Line 2: Header information Line 3: Location of User file Line 4: Proper case Line 5: Number of calls to be logged Line 6: Header Color Line 7: Line Color Line 8: Time Color Line 9: Date Color Line 10: User Color Line 11: City/State Color Line 12: Speed Color Line 13: Node Color Line 14: Caller Flag Line 15: CLS Flag Line 16: Super User Select Flag Line 17: Select Value Line 18: Select Character Line 19: Select Text Line 1 Line 20: Select Text Line 2 (Optional) Line 21: Select Character Color Line 22: Select Text Color Line 23: Exempt User Flag Line 24: Exempt User File Location Line 1: The name of the file you wish to create. You can give a full path and file name like C:\PCB\GEN\LASTCALL. Line 2: You can put any text here you want. If you set line 5 to the last 20 callers you could use "My BBS last 20 Callers" or what ever you want. Text is center automaticly. Line 3: The location and name of the PCB users file. This is only used to READ the users City and State. I have let the sysop tell Logger where to find it instead of having Logger trying to locate it. It also may help sysops who don't use the default of C:\PCB\MAIN\USERS. Line 4: Proper Case Flag. If set to 1 then the users name, city and state will be in proper case, ie; David Basile and if set to 0 these fields will be in all upper case. Line 5: Number of calls you wish to have logged. 1 to 50. We use 10 because we really don't want to make a user wade through 4 pages of last callers. If you use 50 I suggest making it a bulletin. Line 6: Header Color using the @X color codes. This is the color of the header you enter on line 2. Line 7: Line Color using the @X color codes. The line is the separator from the header information and the callers. I used a sting of '='. Line 8: Time Color using the @X color codes. This is the color of the time field. Line 9: Date Color using the @X color codes. This is the color of the date field. Line 10: User Color using the @X color codes. This is the color of the user field. Line 11: City/State Color using the @X color codes. This is the color of the City and State field. Line 12: Speed Color using the @X color codes. This is the color of the Connect Speed field. Line 13: Node Color using the @X color codes. This is the color of the Node field. Line 14: Caller Flag. This is used to filter out certain calls. Set it to 0 to log all calls 1 to Log all calls except the Sysop 2 to log all calls except Local 3 to log all calls except the Sysop AND Local Line 15: CLS Flag. If you wish to have a @CLS@ added to the file so it will clear the screen before it is viewed set this to 1. A 0 will not clear the screen. Line 16: Super User Select. Couldn't think of a better name so... If you want to select users that meet a certain criteria you can use this flag. The Flags are as follows: N - No Select at all S - Security UF - Upload Files DF - Download Files UB - Upload Bytes DB - Download Bytes If you do not wish to use the Select feature then put a N on this line. A 'S' will select users by Security, UF by Uploaded files, DF by Downloaded files, UB by Upload bytes, and DB by download bytes. *** IMPORTANT NOTE *** If you set line 16 to N then you must leave lines 17 thru 22 BLANK. Then enter line 23. This will allow you to use the Exempt user flag. If you use N then you should have 6 blank lines and then the Exempt user flag. Line 17: Select Value. Enter the value you wish to compare to for line 16. If you select the S and your subscribing users are a level 20 then put 20 on this line. If you want to use the uploaded files then you can put number of files a user has to have uploaded in order to be tagged. We use 50 on our system. In simple terms: Line 16 Line 17 Users tagged S 20 All users equal or greater than level 20 UF 50 All users who have uploaded 50 or more files DF 100 All users who have downloaded 100 or more files UB 10000000 All users who have uploaded 10000000 or more bytes DB 20000000 All users who have downloaded 20000000 or more bytes N N/A No users will be selected Line 18: Select Character. This is the 1 character you wish to use for the tag. It can be any character you want. We use the *. Line 19: Select Text Line 1. This is the line of text to describe why users have been selected. If you have selected Uploaded files you could use "Denotes users that have uploaded 50 or more files" (70 Characters max) Line 20: Select Text Line 2 (Optional). This is the second text line if you feel you need 2 lines. If you do not want a second line just leave it blank. We use "A special thanks from the Sysop. Thanks for the Support.". (70 Characters max) Line 21: Select Character Color using the X@ color codes. This is the Color for the select character. We use a High Intensity Blinking White (@X0F) so it will sort of catch the users eye. Line 22: Select Text Color using the X@ color codes. This is the color for the select text. If you use the second line of text it will be the same color as the first. Line 23: Exempt User Flag. Setting this to 1 will allow you to have certain uses exempt from the Logger Bulletin if they have logged on a number of times. I found at times I was logging on to our bbs several times to check something and the whole log was filled with my name. This will stop this problem if you feel it was a problem. If you set it to 1 then make sure you use line 24. If set to 0 then you can save the file here and do not need an entry on line 24. Setting line 23 to 2 will exempt ALL callers that are listed in the TOMANY.USR file. No matter how many times they log on their name will not appear. Line 24: Exempt User File Location. If you have set line 23 to 1 or 2 then you must put the full drive\path\filename of the file you wish to use. We use C:\UTIL\TOMANY.USR. This file YOU must create. It is a simple file format. Line 1: Number of times to allow entry into the Logger Bulletin (Line 1 is required even if you decide to exempt all the callers in the TOMANY.USR file. Logger will just disregard this line) Line 2: User Name to exempt Line 3: Next user to exempt . . . Line 1 is the number of times to allow a user to be logged until he is exempt. If you select 3 then the users name will only appear 3 times, even if they have logged on 6 times. Once their name is in the log only 2 times or one time less from the number you have entered on line 1 then it will be added again. Line(s) 2 - ?? is the user name you wish to exempt. Case does not matter. Since I am just the co-sysop but I do all the maintenance I use my name only but you can add up to 50 users. Again this feature was added because of the problem I was having. If you do not wish to use it then set line 23 to 0 and save the file. The finished product will look like this: The GALAXY BBS Last 10 callers Time Date User City/State Speed Node ======================================================================= 14:02 04-14 David Basile Fort Rucker, Al 14400 1 15:35 04-14 Roger Ramjet Culver City, In 2400 3 16:00 04-15 John Doe San Diego, Ca 1200 2 ======================================================================= [*] - Denotes users that have uploaded 50 or more files! A Special thanks from the Sysop. Thanks for the support. Logger v1.4 Copyright David E. Basile $$Logon.bat: You will need to create a $$LOGON.BAT if you don't already have one. You can put Logger anywhere in your path but you must execute it from the directory with the PCBOARD.SYS file and you must give it the location of configuration file. $$LOGON.BAT @ECHO OFF LOGGER C:\UTIL\LOGGER.CFG Viewing the file: On our board we wanted the users to see the last callers every time they logged on. If you wish to do this here is the setup we used. Go into PCBSetup and make sure on File Locations 1 you have a path for your security files. I didn't want to crowd the \PCB\GEN directory so I made a directory called SECURITY. Next I set up logger to create my file C:\PCB\SECURITY\LASTCALL. I then created a security file for each security level we have on the board. The level 15 file looks like this: %C:\PCB\SECURITY\LASTCALL. I just copied 15 to each level that I had. Remember if you already have security files you will have to edit them and not create a new one. If this is your case you might not want to use the @CLS@ flag. Now every time a user logs on they will get the Last Callers bulletin. Again if you select to log the last 50 calls then you might not want to use the security file method because your users will have to go through several screens. If you are not sure how to use a security file consult your PCB Manual, Chapter 12, page 219-220. The caller on the bottom of the list is pushed off, if you have reached your limit and the new user is placed on top. If you want to have a log on screen as described above and a bulletin then you have 2 choices. The first one is to make 2 Logger.Cfg files or copy the log on screen to the bulletin. Here is an example of both: Two Logger.Cfg files $$LOGON.BAT @ECHO OFF LOGGER C:\UTIL\LOGGER.CFG LOGGER C:\UTIL\LOGGER1.CFG Coping the bulletin $$LOGON.BAT @ECHO OFF LOGGER C:\UTIL\LOGGER.CFG COPY C:\PCB\SECURITY\LASTCALL C:\PCB\GEN\BLT99 The 2 configuration files are probably the best. This way you can configure 1 with certain features and the other one with no features. It is up to you. Also you can have create 2 separate bulletins, one for log on and the other for your bulletin menu. Support: If you have problems, suggestions or just would like to have a feature added you can contact me at the GALAXY BBS in Daleville Alabama. Node 1 205- 598-9509 HST Dual Standard, Node 2 205-598-6547 HST Dual Standard. Registration: None. It is free. Not crippled nor does it say UNREGISTERED anywhere so feel free to use it as long as you want. Guarantee: NONE. Use it at your own risk. It works fine for us. License Agreement: Consult your physician before starting this program. Batteries not included. May cause drowsiness. Must be over 17. Not available in all states. Not responsible for acts of God. Prices subject to change. Proof of purchase required. Read label before using. Some assembly required. Not responsible for typographical errors. Some restrictions apply. Subject to local regulation. Warrantee period limited. Close cover before striking. No resemblance to any person, living or dead, is intended. Subject to availability. No COD's. Sales tax not included. Local restrictions may apply. Shipping & handling extra. All orders subject to review. For external use only. Do not give to children under 8 years of age. May cause excitability. Avoid alcoholic beverages while using this software. Use caution while operating mechanical devices. If symptoms persist, consult your physician. Keep this and all software out of the reach of children. May be unsuitable for sensitive people. Parental guidance suggested. Do not use this software if you are currently taking a drug for depression. Neither the seller not the manufacture will be liable for any brain damage arising from the use of this software. The buyer assumes all risks associated with using this product. In case of irritation, flush eyes with cold water and consult your physician. This software is not a savings account and is not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Contents under pressure; do not puncture or incinerate. Store in original containers. Always replace sleeve before discarding any computer disk. Get medical attention if symptoms persist. Harmful if swallowed. Do not remain in enclose areas after use. Not responsible if you've fallen and can't get up. So there! Future Enhancements: One Sysop asked me to sort of make the Exempt flag a bit more versatile. He wants to be able to exempt a certain number of times in a day and have not let a users name appear 2 times in a row. I'll be working on this for logger 1.4. The reason behind the first enhancement is he uses it as a bulletin and with 50 names. Why show that Snuffy Smith logged on 30 times when all you want to do is show who logged on that day. Good idea so I'll try to add it.