Member and Donation Tracking System Version 4.2.9 Table of Contents Startup Chapter 01 Heading Data Chapter 02 Pledge File Chapter 03 Giving File Chapter 04 Member File Chapter 05 Cursor Movement Chapter 06 Program Functions Chapter 07 Mailing Labels Chapter 08 Reports Chapter 09 End-of-Year Chapter 10 Form Letters Chapter 11 SPECIAL NOTES !! Appendix A Managing Multiple Files Appendix B Registration ($45) Appendix C Bug-fixes, if found and verified, are free to registered customers. Updates and enhancements will usually, but not always, cost $10. Registered customers will be notified by mail about update disks. Custom reports will cost $10 each, if the report is one that may be produced. Contact the programmer by mail for more information. Maximum capacity per data file is ONE BILLION, subject to the size of your hard disk and the space available for the M4 files. SPECIAL NOTE: Make sure that you ALWAYS exit the program by "stepping backward" from menu to menu, so the program may properly update and close data files. (c) 1987,1988,1989,1990,1991 F Thomas (Tom) Smith Mail Stop AISH - PO Box 3621 Portland Oregon USA 97208 1 Chapter 01 - Startup NOTICE: Please pay attention to messages that show on the top AND bottom of the screen while you are using the M4 program. The data you save by paying attention -- will be your own! Member and Donation Tracking System and data files require AT LEAST 512k of installed memory. M4 was written on a 640k machine, has been tested on a 512k machine, and MIGHT run on a machine with as little as 384k of installed memory. M4 has been run under DOS 2.1, DOS 3.2 and DOS 4.01 with no difference in operation found. You should have at least 348k of FREE memory. Enter CHKDSK (see your DOS manual) to find out how much memory you have available - FREE memory is total memory minus memory used by DOS and TSR "resident" pop-up programs. This program is designed to run from a subdirectory on a hard disk. Depending on the size of your hard disk and the number of other files and programs you have, you should be able to track several thousand members and their associated pledges and giving. One of the data removal functions (Chapter 07) also performs a psuedo-sort operation and requires free hard disk space equal to that used by your largest file and its associated index files. If you do not have enough hard disk space for this operation, simply use the non-sort process. Selecting any one of the three main data files moves you to the data entry/edit menu. See Chapter 2 for information on the HEADING file. The data entry/edit menu has 7 choices, as follows: 0 - Quit data entry/edit 1 - Append (Add) new records 2 - Browse thru the data file 3 - Edit/View individual records 4 - Labels (only for Member datafile) 5 - Remove/Sort (pseudo-sort) 6 - Remove Only (no sort) the MEMBERS menu also includes 7 - Sort on Last & First names See Chapter 7 for more information on program functions. Account 00 has a default title of General Fund Donations. You must enter names for the other 99 accounts. 2 Chapter 02 - Heading Data This information is used by some of the reports, most notably the giving statement for members' tax records, to print the information on your organization. The sample data provided will show you the format. When you choose the HEADING data from the M4 menu, you are given a chance to enter new data or revise the current information. Chapter 03 - Pledge File The Pledge file is short and simple. A place for the MEMBER NUMBER, and a place for the actual PLEDGE, one of each. The MEMBER NUMBER is used here, in the Giving file, and in the Member file, to link the three files together. This "number" may actually be any combination of letters and numbers, the choice is yours. Chapter 04 - Giving File The Giving file has the MEMBER NUMBER, GIVING, DATE, and CODE. Whole dollars may be entered without the .00 for cents. No commas. The CODE may be one or two digits, numbers only. The title for a code will show at the bottom after you have entered the code number. The DATE field STARTS with the current date that you or your clock card gave to DOS. If you override this date, as you might if entering the weekly donation record several days later, the "default" date entered into this block stays at the new date until overridden again. The TOTAL figure just above the entry area is for your aid in checking the numbers you enter. If you enter a wrong amount AND catch the error BEFORE you finish the current entry, you may press the UP arrow and fix the amount. If you notice the error AFTER you finish the current entry (the TOTAL amount has changed from the last entry) you MUST do the EDIT function to change the amount and cause the program to fix the TOTAL. See Chapter 6 to learn how to use the data entry/edit screens. Please note that the LABELS menu choice will NOT work while you are in the Pledge or Giving data areas. The M4 menu is nearly the same for each of the data areas, but LABELS only works in the Member data area. If you will look at the lower left corner of the M4 menu that is used for data entry/edit, you will see that the file status is displayed. 3 Chapter 05 - Member File The Member file, as well as being the place to keep your member's name and address (plus some other general information) is the master place to use for assigning the MEMBER NUMBER that is used to relate all three files together (Member, Pledge & Giving) for printing tax statements. Since there is no way of knowing every possible need of all kinds of organizations, the program was written so as to allow duplicate MEMBER NUMBER entries. The positive side of this is that you will not need to think up unique indicators for each person/family, if the person/family does not donate, you instead may put something as generic as MEMBER or VISITOR in this block. The negative side of this is that YOU, and not the program, must insure that duplicate "real" numbers are not entered for two or more data records. There is a report, printed in the MEMBER NUMBER order, to help you keep track of issued "real" numbers. The Member file has the following data elements: LAST NAME should not include initials, or the directory will look odd. Putting , Jr (comma-space-Jr) or similar works just fine. MEMBER NUMBER may be any legal character. You may wish to assign a 4-digit number for financially active people, and just a word MEMBER or PROSPECT (or whatever) for people who attend but do not donate. If you use letters, they are converted to all capitals upon entry. FAMILY SALUTATION may be according to your preference. This, plus the last name field, combine to print the entire family name. CHILDREN contains space for several children, for the directory. ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, and ZIP are the "standard" entries. The entries for city, state and zip will "refresh" themselves from your most recent input during Append, to speed data entry when from the same area. POSTAL KEY-LTR is optional, and may not be needed by all groups. This is provided for those with a large mailing area, who need to separate labels PRIOR TO the zip code. If you use this key at all, you must put a letter or number in this block for ALL entries. The sort order is by PostalKeyLtr-Zip-LastName for mailing labels, if not sorted by name. PHONE includes the area code. If you enter a number, the area code must be entered as well. Blank is converted to 000-000-0000 by M4. NAME #1 and NAME #2 are printed ONLY in the "master" directory, which is usually used by your office staff Number 1 WORK # and number 2 WORK # are printed ONLY in the "master" directory, which is usually used by your office staff. 4 STATUS is any one letter (or number) you choose to enter. You might put an M for a Member of your group, or an A for someone who is Active but not an official member, or anything else you decide to use. The default value for this space is an M and is placed there by M4. TEL-DIR is a Yes/No entry (True/False to the computer) and is used by the reporting modules A or K to print the regular telephone directory. NL-LABEL is another Yes/No entry. You would usually use this choice as a selection criteria when printing mailing labels for a NewsLetter. LOCAL is the last Yes/No entry. The three yes/no entries all start with a default of Yes (True). You may enter Y or T and N or F (No/False) and M4 will accept either. DATE OF ENTRY is taken from DOS during entry or edit. MISC is a small place for your comments. The "usual" master index is by last name, to make it easier to find a particular entry. Since this does not always put your members in the proper order for a telephone directory, the Members menu has an option to "pseudo-sort" the members data by last -AND- first (family) names. The pseudo-sort is not a physical sort, which requires lots of memory and lots of time, but is instead a copy in the desired order. This copy/sort requires FREE hard disk space equal to the size of the file. When printing labels (or a form letter) you will be asked if you want to make a "selection" of only certain members. This process builds a comparison expression (such as lastname=Smith) which is checked against each entry in the file for a "true" condition. The expression that you build, which picks from the entire set of information, may only be one line (70 characters). (lastname=Smith is 14 characters) This means you will be able to build a compound (several search items) expression of "about" 3 or 4 different items to compare against. Report E and Report I also provide you with the opportunity to make a selection. If nothing prints, especially if you have made a selection, the most likely cause is that there was simply no data available that matched the criteria (built-in or selected) for the particular report. 5 New features added April 1990 You may now enter "skill/talent/interest/class" codes for each of the two main members of a data record. This new information is in the center of the data entry/edit screen for members. You change the codes/titles by means of the TALENTS selection on the main system menu. Please be aware that the "skill bank" reports (especially Z) are slow in printing - there is a LOT of work going on for these to compare M4 data fields to each of the 99 possible titles. If you are updating from MDTS version T to the new version 4 there is a "hidden" selection on the main system menu. Version T would have been called version 2, if I had then been using numbers. Press U (Update) at the main system menu. You must have your old MEMBERS.DBF file in the directory. Your old data will be appended to the new M4 data file and the indexes will be created. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RENAME YOUR OLD "T" FILE TO THE NEW FILE NAME !! See Appendix B for information on upgrading from Version 3 to 4. 6 Chapter 06 - Cursor Movement - The Keyboard & Screen IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please pay attention to all the messages that will show on the top AND bottom of the screen while you are using the M4 program. The data you save by paying attention will be your own! The TOP of the screen is where STATUS messages will show, such as the word *DELETED* when you have marked a record for deletion. The BOTTOM of the screen is where DIRECTION messages will show, such as a message to press the PgDn key to go to the end of a data entry/edit screen, and on to the next process, without having to press the enter key at each data space to "step-through" the data entry/edit screen. During data entry/edit, if you notice a mistake on a prior line, you may use the UP-ARROW key to move backward through the data screen. The LEFT-ARROW and RIGHT-ARROW and BACKSPACE work on the current line. When M4 gives a direction message to RETURN you press the RETURN or ENTER key to return to the previous program level. If you are in the Browse mode, and press E (for {E}dit), and then press Return when you are done editing, you will return to browsing the file. When you give the DELETE command, the program actually only MARKS the entry TO BE DELETED and does not immediately remove the data. You must then call the Remove function from the M4 menu. Care should be taken, as the remove function is PERMANENT!!! That is why this data deletion was made a two-step process. If you decide that you do not wish to delete an entry, you may simply press the delete key again to "un-delete" the entry. NEVER DELETE THE LAST ENTRY IN A FILE -- YOU MUST HAVE AT LEASE ONE!! Remove on selection 5, the pseudo-sort, actually copies the file to a new file IN THE ORDER OF THE PRIMARY INDEX KEY while leaving behind the records marked for deletion. The reason for this "psuedo-sort" is that having PHYSICAL data in the same order as the LOGICAL-data-INDEX will make reports that print in index order run slightly faster. 7 Chapter 07 - Program Functions 1 The APPEND (add to data file) choice presents you with a "shell" to use for fill-in-the-blank data entry. Each time you complete entering a data item, either by filling in the allocated space or by pressing the enter/return key, the cursor will jump to the next data space. The cursor moves left-to-right and top-to-bottom. If you notice an error after you have moved on to the next block, you may press the up-arrow key and move back a block at a time. When you press enter/return for the last item, OR if you press the PgDn (PageDown) key at any time, M4 adds your entry to the data work area, and gives you a chance to add another entry or to finish the current append operation. 2 The BROWSE selection allows you to quickly page through your data to locate a particular item. You may use the up/down arrow keys, and the PgUp/PgDn keys for movement. Once you find an item that you want to edit, you simply press the E key to go to edit mode. When in edit mode, you must press the E key AGAIN to tell the program that you really do want to edit the entry. Pressing the RETURN (enter/return) key, when you are in "ready" mode (with all the messages at the bottom of the screen) will "return" you to the previous function. So, if you came to edit from the browse function, you will then return to browse. Another return key would then send you from browse back to the main selection screen. 3 While at the EDIT "ready", if you press a special DELete key (or the D key) to delete a record, it is actually only MARKED for deletion. A separate operation is needed to physically remove records. You may also press the delete key again to "un-delete" a record. Watch the status message at the top (just to right of center) of your screen. 4 The LABEL function will print your selected member list. 5 The REMOVE function does two things. First, it removes any records that you have marked for deletion. Second, it copies (psuedo sort) the records so they are in the same PHYSICAL order as the index. The remove function creates a temporary file that is the same size as your original data file, minus any deletions, meaning that you must have space on your hard disk for this remove/sort to work. 6 This REMOVE function does not do a sort, and is the faster of the two. 7 The usual "main" index of the Members file is by last name alone, to make it easier for the program to find a particular record - since a user will not need to enter last and first names. Since using only a last name sometimes produces odd reports, the Members menu screen has an option 7, to reorder the file. This option requires as much free hard disk space as the size of your Members data file. 8 Selecting REPORTS sends you to a report selection menu. ACCOUNTS is where you enter or update the titles to go with each of the 99 possible accounts. The 00 account is set by the program, and is used if you do not enter anything in the CODE field for giving. Chapter 08 - Mailing Labels When you select labels, you will first be given a choice of Zip Code or Last Name as the printing order. Remember that the Zip Code order is actually based on the PostalKeyLtr-ZipCode-LastName index key. This means that if you have, for instance, ONE person with an A in the block for Postal Key-Ltr, that ONE person will print first no matter the Zip. After the print order choice, you will be asked if you wish to specify a condition on the output. If you answer Y for YES, you will be shown a menu. This menu lists every data element in the Member file, for you to choose by entering the appropriate number from the list. After you enter the data item number, you next pick an operator to act upon that data item, such as EQUALS. Finally, for this one data item, you enter the value you wish to use in the comparison, such as LABEL EQUALS T to print labels only for the people in your file that you have decided will receive your newsletter. (The "T" in LABEL EQUALS T stands for "True", F stands for False.) Next, you pick a connector for another data item, or the DONE number. Last, you will be asked whether you want output to go to the {S}creen or the the {P}rinter. Press the first letter of your choice. Be sure your printer is on and ready BEFORE you press P for printer. The {S}creen option is provided solely for you to see that there is, in fact, data to be printed. It does, however, take lots of time. 9 Chapter 09 - Reports The M4 listing of included reports, and their letters, are: A. Telephone Directory N. One Page of Statistics B. Master Office Directory O. Count of ALL Zip Codes C. Name and Number List P. Zip Count LABEL = True D. Number and Name List Q. Style A with selection E. Member Giving Statement R. Style K with selection F. Summary Pledge & Giving S. Giving by Number Detail G. Summary Giving-Pledge-# T. Total plus 100 Accounts H. Giving by Date Summary U. Report of Skills I. Giving by Date Detail V. Report of Talents J. Report of Pledges W. Report of Interests K. Alternate Telephone Dir X. Report of Classes L. UN-Directory Listing Y. Visitation One-Liners M. List of Accounts Z. All Data U + V + W + X The Finance Committee reports DO NOT include names. During development of M4 your diligent programmer found that EVERY organization providing ideas and advice wanted to be sure that the Finance Committee would be kept free of any "pressure" association with individual members. Report E is formatted for standard left-side "window" envelopes. Reports F and G are NOT the same. Report G has all GIVING reported, with a pledge if there is one. Report F has all PLEDGES reported, with actual giving if there is any. 10 Chapter 10 - End-of-Year CAUTION! This End-of-Year process over-writes existing data files! Follow these steps: 1 - Make a history floppy disk (or two) and store in a safe place. The only files you need to copy end with a .DBF extension. You may, however, copy *.MEM files if you wish to keep a copy of the various titles that were active with the data files. 2 - Select MAIN MENU item 9 and read the on-screen instructions. Be aware that this operation requires FREE HARD DISK SPACE equal to the size of your data and code/title files. This process deletes all .NTX (index) files (don't worry, M4 will easily --in fact MUST-- recreate the index files) and copies the original, one-entry "shell" Pledge and Giving files to start a year. The Members file is copied to backup, but otherwise stays the same. If, for any reason, you ever need to restore data files from a floppy disk, you MUST FIRST ENTER THE DOS COMMAND DEL *.NTX to delete all index files. The M4 program will (MUST!) create new index files to match the new/restored data files. DO NOT EVER restore files from floppy without this DEL *.NTX step! DO NOT EVER restore files from floppy without this DEL *.NTX step! DO NOT EVER restore files from floppy without this DEL *.NTX step! The Pledge and Giving files are ALSO on the distribution disk with a file extension of .BAK, in case you copy in the wrong direction. 11 Chapter 11 - Form Letters The "form letter" function of M4 is a very simple, ONE PAGE place for you to use for messages to your members. The letters are kept in a M4LETTER.DBF data file, accessed by selecting 6 from the main menu. The number of letters is limited only by your available disk space. The form letter sub-menu has only 5 selections for you: 0 - Return to the M4 main menu 1 - Append (add new letters) 2 - Browse the letters by TITLE 3 - Edit & Form-Letter generator 4 - Pack (removed marked letters) After you have added your letter (look at the examples provided) you select 3 to actually print your letter. While at the Edit screen, but not actually in the Edit mode, you press an F to select Form Letter. You will next be asked for a selection, like the labels. You may now select by name, or zip code, or member code, or anything else you care to use as a "filter" to only print letters for selected members. If you do make a selection, M4 will "extract" from the main data file according to your criteria, and create a temporary file. The temporary file is deleted after the form letters are all printed. While adding/editing a letter, the following keys will work: home - goes to the beginning of the line of data end - goes to the end of the line of data left/right arrows - move left or right backspace - "eats up" character to the left del - deletes the character under the cursor ins - switches into/out-of insert mode PgDn - quickly finish the current screen "page" The form letter is NOT, however, a full-fledged word processor. 12 Appendix A SPECIAL NOTES! NOTICE: Please pay attention to messages that show on the top AND bottom of the screen while you are using the M4 program. The data you save by paying attention -- will be your own! Make sure that you ALWAYS exit the program by "stepping backward" from menu to menu, so the program may properly update and close data files. DO NOT EVER restore files from floppy without a DEL *.NTX step! DO NOT EVER restore files from backup without a DEL *.NTX step! NEVER delete the very last entry from a data file. You must ALWAYS have at least ONE record in every data file or M4 will not work. After you have entered some actual data into the Giving file, be sure to delete the ZERO-DOLLAR entry that is in the "shell" data file, or the statistical report will be skewed by a false entry. Use the POSTAL KEY-LETTER only when you want to sort mailing labels by using a one-digit code BEFORE the actual zip code entry. Keep the original M4 disk untouched, so you will be able to perform data/program recovery in the event of problems with your hard disk. If you receive an OPEN ERROR message during the file opening/setup the "most likely" cause is that you did not follow the CONFIG.SYS instructions in your DOS manual (FILES=20) and do not have enough file "handles" available for the M4 program to operate. This program runs ONLY from a hard disk. You must ALWAYS enter the DOS Change Directory (CD\M4) command to change to the directory you have established for M4 before entering M4 to start the program. The PATH command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (see your DOS manual) is important so M4 will know where to find the COMMAND.COM processor. If you ever have problems, send a FULL letter describing your system and what you were doing when the problem occured. Appendix B Managing Multiple Files With version 4, you have more flexibility (and options) in how you design and use your "sets" of data files. Since you may now have upto 26 (A-thru-Z) sets of data files, you need to be VERY CAREFUL when you perform a year-end process to insure data integrity. FOR EXAMPLE: Suppose you have TWO sets of files, which you have named as "A" and "B" data sets. To make a year-end copy of the "A" files for 1991 you would use A91 as your code, and you would then use B91 as the code to run the year-end process for "B" files. The end result of this would be the following sets of files: Set-A Backup Set-B Backup ReSet Orig old Orig ReSet Orig old Orig A04_ACTS.MEM A04_AMEM.A91 B04_ACTS.MEM B04_AMEM.B91 A04_CODE.MEM A04_CMEM.A91 B04_CODE.MEM B04_CMEM.B91 A04_NAME.MEM A04_NMEM.A91 B04_NAME.MEM B04_NMEM.B91 A04_HEAD.MEM A04_HMEM.A91 B04_HEAD.MEM B04_HMEM.B91 A04_PLED.DBF A04_PDBF.A91 B04_PLED.DBF B04_PDBF.B91 A04_GIVE.DBF A04_GDBF.A91 B04_GIVE.DBF B04_GDBF.B91 * A04_MBER.DBF A04_MDBF.A91 B04_MBER.DBF B04_MDBF.B91 * The name/address file for a "set" is copied to backup, but is NOT reset to a "shell" file as are the pledge and giving files. You may, of course, manually copy your current member and code files to a new "set" (COPY A04_MBER.DBF B04_MBER.DBF and so on, remember to enter DEL *.NTX !) to keep "last year's" data intact for reporting while starting a new year's worth of information. Do not copy the pledge and giving files and the M4 program will create them for you. The M4LETTER.DBF file remains unchanged and is the same for all sets. To restore a data set you must MANUALLY delete ALL originals in the set and then rename ALL backups in the set (remember to delete the index files!!!). Or, you may use the DOS copy command to overwrite the originals (COPY A04_GDBF.A91 A04_GIVE.DBF -- and so on....). Be sure that your CONFIG.SYS file has the following two lines: BUFFERS=20 FILES=20 These are MINIMUM values for M4.EXE to work. You MUST have the three files ending with BAK in the M4 directory!!! Appendix B -- continued Managing Multiple Files To update from version 3 to version 4 you may COPY your files: DO NOT EVER restore files from backup without a DEL *.NTX step! Original DOS Command (create "A" data) New M4 File LETTERS.DBF COPY LETTERS.DBF M4LETTER.DBF M4LETTER.DBF MEMBER3.DBF COPY MEMBER3.DBF A04_MBER.DBF A04_MBER.DBF GIVERS.DBF COPY GIVERS.DBF A04_GIVE.DBF A04_GIVE.DBF PLEDGE.DBF COPY PLEDGE.DBF A04_PLED.DBF A04_PLED.DBF ACT_MEM.MEM COPY ACT_MEM.MEM A04_ACTS.MEM A04_ACTS.MEM CODE_MEM.MEM COPY CODE_MEM.MEM A04_CODE.MEM A04_CODE.MEM NAME_MEM.MEM COPY NAME_MEM.MEM A04_NAME.MEM A04_NAME.MEM HDR_MEM.MEM COPY HDR_MEM.MEM A04_HEAD.MEM A04_HEAD.MEM Menu selection C allows you to copy an entire SET of data from one "letter set" to another. This feature might be used to "clone" a data set when you wish to maintain multiple years of information. FOR EXAMPLE. You have 1991 information keep in an "A" data set. At the end of the year you wish to keep your 1991 data current to be able to print your reports during the early parts of 1992 (there is sure to be someone who will lose his/her donation statement, and will then need to have one printed in April to complete tax processing). Accomplishing a multiple year setup is a two step process as follows: 1 - Select C from the main menu, and follow on-screen instructions. This option will permit you to copy an ENTIRE DATA SET from the CURRENT ACTIVE DATA SET to a new set which you will select. If you select an existing data set as your destination you will be given the opportunity to exit or to replace the existing data set. If the data does not already exist, or if it does and you decide to replace the old data, your current active data set will be copied to the new data set. (ie A04_*.* to B04_*.*) 2 - You now need to go back to the main menu and select the letter of the NEW data set. Once you have the new data set current, perform an end-of-year operation to set your pledge and giving files back to zero in preparation for entering new data. Or, you may wish to always have the "current year" as data set A, and use the data set copy routine to have some other letter as prior year data, to be available to replace a lost report. Appendix C - REGISTRATION FORM - Version 4.2.9 M4 is distributed as ShareWare. This is a marketing and distribution process, and DOES NOT mean that M4 is "free" software. Individuals are permitted (even encouraged) to copy and use M4 for a trial period of up to 90 days without payment of any fees. After a 90-day evaluation, you send $45.00 to register M4 - or you must cease using the program. Besides paying for a program that you are using, registration brings you several benefits that you do not have if you do not register: 1 - You will be sent a copy of the latest version of the program; 2 - You qualify for mail support in the event you have a problem; 3 - You qualify to request (at $10 each) custom reports; 4 - You qualify to purchase (for $55) the Clipper source code. Please fill out this registration form and send it, and your check for $45 ($100 if buying source code), made payable to F Thomas Smith: PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE (Tom does not read script very well) NON-US ORDERS USE INTERNATIONAL MONEY ORDER PAYABLE IN US DOLLARS!!! Name ________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ______________________________________________________ WARRANTY: Sigh... Our suit-happy society, and Tom's legal advisor, requires that the following disclaimer be added to this document. The Member and Donation Tracking System (M4) is provided "AS-IS" with no particular fitness for any purpose whatsoever. No statement of purpose, either explicit or implied, may override this paragraph. If you buy M4 from a ShareWare dealer and the program does not work due to defect of the floppy disk transmission medium, return your disk to that dealer, not Tom, for refund or replacement. Disks purchased directly from Tom that prove to have a physical defect will be replaced, at no cost, upon return of the defective disk. Verified M4 program malfunctions ("bugs") will be fixed and a new program will be issued at no cost to the user. If the bug is one that may not be fixed Tom will, at the request of the REGISTERED user, refund the $45 registration fee. Tom's liability will not, under any circumstances, extend beyond returning the $45 registration fee. Not having sufficient memory for M4 to run is not a bug!!! THERE IS NO REFUND AVAILABLE IF THE SOURCE CODE HAS BEEN PURCHASED. F Thomas (Tom) Smith, Mail Stop AISH - PO Box 3621 Portland OR USA 97208