******************************************************************************* * M E G A P A I N T I I P C - S H A R E W A R E TXT V 1.10US * ******************************************************************************* THIS README-FILE: READMEUS.TXT is not valid for the following regions: - Germany - Switzerland - Austria - United Kingdom. Welcome to the newest shareware from TommySoftware in Berlin, West Germany! We think that this is one of the most powerful graphics-application which was ever released as shareware! MegaPaint II PC offers a wide range of capabilities like: full-screen-editing, overviews, large-images and a free programable pop-up-menu. MegaPaint II PC requires 510 KB free RAM. It is configured to VGA-cards. Before you start the application please run your mouse-driver. If you want to use another resolution (SVGA, EGA or HERCULES) please copy the corresponding file in the folder GR_TRB over the file MEGA.GTR and re- start MegaPaint II PC. You may copy MegaPaint II PC freely - this includes copyservices; but it is not allowed to copy this stuff without this README.TXT - file and you should not alter the content of the disc(s). It is not allowed to sell the software - but copyservices may take a fee until US$ 15.- for their work. You may own this stuff for a time-period of up to 4 weeks to test it for usability - after that time we please you to become a registred user. Registration ============ Please become registrated by using (and only!) using the form printed below. If you are registred you will be informed automatically about new versions of MegaPaint II PC - and of course you will help us to lower Another benefit you will get is a printed manual (available in english) which you only can get this way! Remark: Owners of this shareware have the possibility to order our newest MEGAPAINT for Windows at a reduced price - see below! And one small remark: Shareware lives from your loyalty - if and only if enough customers become registred users shareware will survive - so: it's up to you! And now - have fun with the new MegaPaint II PC - Shareware!! Best regards TommySoftware HQ Shareware-Dept. Selchower Strasse 32 W-1000 Berlin 44 Germany Fax.: ++49 30 621 40 64 CompuServe E-Mail: 100020,3647 (Orders can't be taken by CompuServe E-Mail!) Remarks: The TommySoftware-Logo and the word "MegaPaint" are registred trademarks of TommySoftware, Berlin. The release of the product "MegaPaint II PC" does not mean that we don't continue to hold and use - perhaps in other products - the above mentioned trademarks! Therefore the trademarks are not for free use. - PLEASE CUT HERE- Registrationformular ==================== To TommySoftware Shareware Dept. Selchower Strasse 32 W-1000 Berlin 44 West Germany I, ----------------------------------- (Name) ----------------------------------- (Street) ----------------------------------- (Country, ZIP, Town) will become a registered user of MegaPaint II PC. The registration fee is US$ 69.95 and includes a printed manual in a box. Please add US$ 14.95 for shipment. ( ) Yes, I want support! The fee for support is US$ 24.95. SPECIAL OFFER: ( ) Yes, I want to buy MEGAPAINT for Windows. The price is US$ 199.95. It includes: a printed manual in a box and dualmedia diskettes. If you order MEGAPAINT for Windows the registration of MEGAPAINT II PC is free! Please add US$ 14.95 for shipment. Remark: MEGAPAINT for Windows is NO shareware!! ( ) Please send me more information about your Windows-applications. I pay by ( ) Cash ( ) Eurocard/Mastercard: Number: /____/____/____/____ good thru: __/9_ ( ) Visacard : Number: /____/____/____/____ good thru: __/9_ Please understand, that we can't take cheques - it would cost us around US$ 20.- to draw one - and we think that this is to expensive! IMPORTANT: We require you to sign this form! _______________, dated __/___/19__ ________________________ (Place) DD MMM YY (Your sign)