/FHQ17: What are some programs that are incompatible with DESQview?/FB [Please forward any other known incompatibilities to the editor of this FAQ list /JB(see intro)/CONTENTS/.] Any ``386 Control Program'' that is not VCPI compliant /JB(see Q15)/q15.txt/. BitFax Borland C++ 3.0 Borland has a patch on Compuserve and the Borland BBS. This patch is also available on SIMTEL20 as DPMIFI.ZIP in PD1: /JB(see Q7)/q7.txt/. Colorado Memory Systems, Inc.'s TAPE.EXE Incapable of finding a tape drive piggybacked to a floppy adapter when run in a DVC window. It does not crash the system, but backups are not possible when inside DESQview. Colorado has no intention of fixing this. Under DVX, it can find the tape drive. ConFormat Diagnostic programs that try to go into protected mode to tested extended memory will fail under QEMM. These include QAPLUS and RAMTEST. Diagnostic programs should be run from a boot floppy. DJGPP//DJGPP-compiled programs Patch level 5 works with QEMM, but reportedly crashes in a DESQview window. There is a GO32 patch on the anonymous FTP site GEORGETOWN.NRL.NAVY.MIL in //pub//DOS386//go32-patch which should make it work. Version 1.06 has been released, which may work with DESQview. DR DOS 6.0 history feature DR DOS works great with DESQview, except for the history feature. DVFormat by SLR Systems Has problems with DESQview//X which Quarterdeck are trying to fix. Games that use digitized sound without extra sound hardware. Digitized sound requires that the timer interrupt be sped up to 8000 or more interrupts per second, which DESQview can't deal with. The only workaround is to turn off the sound or buy extra sound hardware. Micronics rev 1.10.05 and 1.10.06 motherboards with Phoenix BIOS Incompatible with QEMM-386. The first rev that worked again with QEMM was 1.10.10. Contact Phoenix for a BIOS upgrade. Mountain FileSafe 4000 Tape Backup Software MS-Kermit 3.11 Try setting Optimize Communications in DVSETUP to No. If that doesn't work, use the Kermit SET COM command to set the exact interrupt request and I//O port used. The problem will be fixed in 3.12. QA Plus (see above note on Diagnostic programs) RAMTEST (see above note on Diagnostic programs) Soundblaster Games that use Soundblaster require ``Share CPU'' be set to N or the music will be choppy. Speed (LandMark Tests 2.00) Crashes DESQview Windows Enhanced Mode /JB(see Q11)/q11.txt/