/FHQ2: Besides DESQview, what other products does Quarterdeck sell, and what are the current versions?/FB [Versions are the latest known as of the date of the FAQ. If you see a newer version, please let me know.] Quarterdeck has two types of ``upgrades'': major upgrades and compatibility updates. The former involves a changing of the digit before or immediately after the decimal point and represents significant enhancements to the product's performance. The latter reflect minor changes generally of interest to a small number of users. /CHDESQview (DVC) 2.42/CN (2.52 with DVX386, not available otherwise) /ML4/An excellent DOS multitasker. If you are wondering why it has such a funny name, here's the official explanation from Quarterdeck: the original product was called DESQ (the Q was from Quarterdeck). When Quarterdeck made it TopView-compatible /JB(see Q23)/q23.txt/ the "view" was added. /ML-4//CHQEMM-386 6.02/CN (6.03 with DVX386, not available otherwise) /ML4/A memory manager for 80386+ machines. QEMM will convert extended memory to XMS memory (replacing HIMEM.SYS) and LIM EMS 4.0 memory. With the associated utilities, you can load TSRs, device drivers, and DOS data structures into high memory in order to gain conventional memory for large programs. Manifest is provided with QEMM. Note that QEMM is a VCPI server, and not a DPMI server so it is not compatible with programs that require DPMI. If you plan to use DESQview on a 386, you should choose QEMM over other memory managers. It is smaller and faster than other memory managers, can give you more upper memory, and certain functions in DESQview will only work if QEMM is the memory manager. It is also the only memory manager that allows you to run Windows in Standard mode inside or outside of DESQview. /ML-4//CHQEMM-50//60 6.0/CN (not sure about minor version number) /ML4/Similar to QEMM-386, but specifically for PS//2 models 50 and 60 which are 80286-based machines. It will only work with certain memory expansion boards and requires disabling of motherboard memory. For more details, get the QOS tech note QEMM5060.TEC, available from SIMTEL20 and other sites /JB(see Q7)/q7.txt/. /ML-4//CHDESQview//386 (DV386) 2.42/CN /ML4/Actually DESQview//386 is a copy of DESQview and QEMM in the same package. If you already have DESQview, purchasing QEMM will give you DV386. /ML-4//CHQRAM 2.0/CN /ML4/A memory manager for 8088 through 80286 machines. QRAM will provide UMBs (Upper Memory Blocks, memory greater than 640K but less than 1024K). To do this requires either LIM EMS 4.0, EEMS, a memory management chip or a 286 motherboard with C&T's NEAT, LEAP or SCAT chip set. The UMBs can be used to load TSRs, device drivers, and DOS data structures into high memory in order to gain conventional memory for large programs. Manifest is provided with QRAM. /ML-4//CHMANIFEST 1.12/CN (1.14 with DV/X, not available otherwise) /ML4/Manifest is a ``system information'' utility. It displays hardware information, memory usage, internal DOS structures and much more. /ML-4//CHDESQview Companions 1.1/CN /ML4/A set of utility programs, including a calculator, datebook, notepad, and terminal emulator. /ML-4//CHDESQview//X-386 (DVX386) 1.02/CN /ML4/DESQview//X-386 is DV386 with an industry-standard graphical user interface. It contains an X-windows server, which allows you to interact with X-windows programs running on Unix machines, or DOS text and X clients running on other DESQview//X machines /JB(see Q30)/q30.txt/. Using the fonts provided, you can make use of your SVGA to have many small 80x25 windows open on the screen simultaneously. The DVX386 package contains DESQview//386 2.50, QEMM-386 6.03 and Manifest 1.14. These versions are not available separately. It also contains 4 DESQview//X Companions: an Application Manager (like Window's Program Manager), a File Manager, the Adobe Type Manager and an Icon Editor. /ML-4//CHDESQview//X-286 (DVX286)/CN (Rumored) /ML4/This will be DESQview//X for the 286. I don't know much about it. /ML-4//CHDESQview Classic/CN (Rumored) /ML4/Will contain some of the new features of DESQview//X, such as SVGA support and the ability to prioritize processes. The Quarterdeck tech on the DESQview echo on Fidonet has mentioned it a few times. Probably will be DESQview//X without the graphics.