/FHQ22: How can I configure DESQview for maximum window memory under DOS 5?/FB The answer to this question is very system dependent. However, you should use QEMM rather than EMM386 and HIMEM.SYS (on a 386), because QEMM is smaller and will provide the same services. Also, without QEMM screen virtualization is not possible /JB(see Q2)/q2.txt/. Loading DOS high will not necessarily help, because that reduces the amount of DESQview kernel that can be loaded high /JB(see Q16)/q16.txt/. Experiment. Use Manifest to judge the results. If your high memory is very fragmented (i.e. many small contiguous blocks rather than a few large blocks), keeping DOS and TSRs low and putting DESQview high might work better. Do not set up your path and environment variables until all the TSRs have been loaded. A copy of the environment is made for every TSR, and if the TSR does not give this area of memory back to DOS, it is wasted.