/FHQ23: What is NOFF.SHP {NOFF.SHR}?/FB NOFF.SHR is an older version of NOFF.SHP. So what's NOFF.SHP? DESQview is the child of an older IBM program called TopView. Because Quarterdeck wanted DESQview to run all the old TopView programs, they made DESQview compatible to TopView, in much the same way you can run programs written for DOS 3.3 in DOS 4.0. If a program writes directly to the video memory, TopView (and DESQview) cannot run it in a small window. So IBM allowed programs to be TopView- aware (similar to DESQview-aware /JB(see Q3)/q3.txt/) by giving them ``virtual'' video memory on request. This memory looks like video memory, but characters written into it do not get displayed on the screen. Since DESQview is a much smarter program that TopView ever was, DESQview can automatically update the window from the virtual video memory. But TopView did not have that ability. The TopView-aware program had to make another call which would manually update the window from the video memory. Quarterdeck wanted to make DESQview look as much like TopView as possible, so they decided that if a TopView-aware program makes this call to update the window, then the automatic updating of DESQview would be turned off. DESQview can do a better job of updating the window from the virtual video buffer than *some* programs. So the purpose of NOFF.SHP is to capture the TopView update call before it gets to DESQview and not let DESQview see the call. That way, DESQview never turns off the automatic updating, and your window output is less jerky. Whether or not you should use NOFF.SHP depends on how the TopView-aware program updates its screen. If it changes only small parts of the screen at a time but requests that the entire screen be updated, use NOFF.SHP. But if the program tells TopView (DESQview) exactly which part of the screen changed, output may look smoother without NOFF.SHP because an automatic update doesn't take place until the end of each program's time slice /JB(see Q9)/q9.txt/. Although NOFF.SHP is included in the Quarterdeck-supplied DVP for Wordperfect, it is not required if you are using a 386 or better and you turn on text virtualization.