/FHQ29: What does ``Optimize Communications'' in DESQview's setup program do?/FB The cards that you install in your computer use ``hardware interrupts'' to tell the CPU that the card has or needs data. The hardware interrupts are like grade school students raising their hand in class. When they teacher recongizes a student with his hand up, that student can ask//answer a question. Like many teachers, DESQview has a ``teacher's pet.'' This pet is hardware interrupt 0. If a bunch of hardware interrupts raise their hands at the same time, DESQview will always recognize 0 first, then 1, then 2, and so on. However, most COM ports use hardware interrupt levels 3 and 4. So by answering ``Y'' to ``Optimize Communications'', you force interrupt level 3 to become the teacher's pet. DESQview will then recognize the interrupts in this order: 3, 4, 5, ... 0, 1, 2. Rather than answering ``Y'', you can put in any interrupt number you prefer. For example, if you answer ``5'', DESQview will recognize the interrupts in the order 5, 6, 7, ... , 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Setting ``Optimize Communications'' to ``Y'' can reduce or eliminate dropped characters in communication programs /JB(see Q25)/q25.txt/. 8086//8088 machines have 8 available hardware interrupts (0-7), while 80286+ machines have 16 (0-15).