/FHQ7: Where can I get freeware and shareware DESQview programs?/FB There are quite a few DESQview repositories available, depending on what network access you have. /FLBBS/FB The official Quarterdeck BBS can be reached at (310) 314-3227. It supports 1200-9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity. SIMTEL-20 files (see below) are available for downloading from Detroit Download Central (313) 885-3956. DDC has multiple lines which support 300//1200//2400//9600//14400 bps (103// 212// V22bis// HST// V32bis// V42bis// MNP). This is a subscription system with an average hourly cost of 17 cents. It is also accessable on Telenet via PC Pursuit and on Tymnet via StarLink outdial. /FLFidonet/FB Many Fidonet nodes belong to DVNet, the DESQview File Distribution Network. It is coordinated by Peter Stern at 1:17//38. A monthly posting to the DESQview echo on Fidonet lists the nodes participating in DVNet. /FLInternet (via anonymous ftp)/FB /CHWSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL []/CN Three directories on SIMTEL are of interest to DV//QEMM users: /ML4/PD1: /ML4/Many DESQview programs, .DVPs, etc. /ML-4/PD1: /ML4/QEMM programs, information /ML-4/PD1: /ML4/Information relating to DESQview and QEMM. The Quarterdeck White Pages are stored here as QW920327.ZIP. They are very useful for solving problems. /ML-8/In each of the three directories, the file 00-INDEX.TXT contains a list of all the files available in that directory. /CHOAK.OAKLAND.EDU []/CN A SIMTEL20 mirror. The DESQview directory is //pub//msdos//desqview. This is the most up-to-date mirror of SIMTEL20. /CHWUARCHIVE.WUSTL.EDU []/CN Another SIMTEL20 mirror. The DESQview directory is //mirrors//msdos//desqview. /CHNIC.FUNET.FI [], SRC.DOC.IC.AC.UK [], RANA.CC.DEAKIN.OZ.AU [], & ARCHIE.AU []/CN SIMTEL20 mirrors for non-North Americans /CHHAYES.IMS.ALASKA.EDU []/CN Contains some of the programs available on DVNet in the directory //dvnet. The file ``prog.dvn'' is a list of all the programs available on DVNet. The file ``dvnet.lst'' is a list of all the Fidonet BBSs that participate in DVNet. /FLUUCP/FB SIMTEL files can be requested via UUCP from UUNET's 1-900-GOT-SRCS. See UUNET file uunet!~//info//archive-help for details. /FLEmail-only/FB If you do not have FTP access to SIMTEL20, files may be ordered by e-mail from LISTSERV@VM1.NODAK.EDU or LISTSERV@VM.ECS.RPI.EDU. /ML4/If you are on BITNET: LISTSERV@NDSUVM1 or LISTSERV@RPIECS If your mailer knows domains: listserv@vm1.nodak.edu or listserv@vm.ecs.rpi.edu If your mailer wants bang paths: uunet!vm1.nodak.edu!listserv uunet!vm.ecs.rpi.edu!listserv If you use bang paths, substitute your nearest neighbor which is also on the Internet for uunet in the examples above. Some examples are: ames, decvax, decwrl, harvard, hplabs, nosc, rutgers, sharkey, sun, ucbvax, ucsd, udel, uw-beaver, wuarchive. Send this command to the server to get its help file: GET PDGET HELP Sample command (which gets the catalog of MS-DOS files): //PDGET MAIL PD:SIMLIST.ARC UUENCODE These commands should be sent as the body of a regular email message. Do not include a signature because it confuses the server. If you have xxdecode, you may wish to specify XXENCODE instead of UUENCODE to avoid character translation problems. To get a catalog of the DESQview files only, use //PDGET MAIL PD1:00-INDEX.TXT UUENCODE