$/CT#55FF55/ /JBQuestions/quest.txt/ /FHQUESTIONS/FB /JBQ1: What is DESQview?/q1.txt/ /JBQ2: Besides DESQview, what other products does Quarterdeck sell, and what are the current versions?/q2.txt/ /JBQ3: What types of programs can DESQview run?/q3.txt/ /JBQ4: What type of computer is required for DESQview?/q4.txt/ /JBQ5: How can I upgrade my 80286 for best DESQview performance?/q5.txt/ /JBQ6: Does DESQview support Super VGA?/q6.txt/ /JBQ7: Where can I get freeware and shareware DESQview programs?/q7.txt/ /JBQ8: I want to write software for DESQview. Where can I get the API?/q8.txt/ /JBQ9: I've heard that DESQview does preemptive multitasking. What does that mean?/q9.txt/ /JBQ10: Why do the other windows slow to a virtual halt when one window accesses the floppy disk?/q10.txt/ /JBQ11: Can Windows run under DESQview?/q11.txt/ /JBQ12: Can I make something like AUTOEXEC.BAT for DESQview, so that certain windows open every time I run DESQview?/q12.txt/ /JBQ13: Can text and graphics be displayed at the same time with Hercules?/q13.txt/ /JBQ14: How do I use two monitors under DESQview?/q14.txt/ /JBQ15: What are Exceptions 12 and 13?/q15.txt/ /JBQ16: What determines the amount of conventional memory that DESQview claims for itself and takes away from programs?/q16.txt/ /JBQ17: What are some programs that are incompatible with DESQview?/q17.txt/ /JBQ18: I'm having a problem {configuring DESQview, running a program, etc.}. How do I fix it?/q18.txt/ /JBQ19: How can I contact Quarterdeck?/q19.txt/ /JBQ20: What books are available on DESQview?/q20.txt/ /JBQ21: What are the command-line switches for DESQview//QEMM//QRAM?/q21.txt/ /JBQ22: How can I configure DESQview for maximum window memory under DOS 5?/q22.txt/ /JBQ23: What is NOFF.SHP {NOFF.SHR}?/q23.txt/ /JBQ24: How can I increase DESQview's performance?/q24.txt/ /JBQ25: My {9600 or greater} BPS modem drops characters under DESQview. Is high speed communication possible under DESQview?/q25.txt/ /JBQ26: Why doesn't ANSI.SYS work in DESQview?/q26.txt/ /JBQ27: Why does the mouse pointer disappear after running certain programs?/q27.txt/ /JBQ28: What are those files SWAP*.DV in my DV directory? Can I delete them?/q28.txt/ /JBQ29: What does ``Optimize Communications'' in DESQview's setup program do?/q29.txt/ /JBQ30: What do I need if I want to use DESQview//X's networking features?/q30.txt/ /JBQ31: What do each of the four Protection Levels mean?/q31.txt/