PAKET 4.0 This file contains information that will help get you started with PAKET 4.0. The entire PAKET 4 system is distributed in seven self-expanding compressed files (plus this PAKET.TXT file): PAKET4.EXE 81,383 Nov 3, 1990 The PAKET Program, PAK-DOC.EXE 71,215 Nov 3, 1990 The Manual. PAK-INST.COM 38,405 Nov 3, 1990 PAKET's Installation program, PAK-TNC2.COM 26,138 Nov 3, 1990 The Help file for the TNC-2, TNC-220, and compatible, PAK-PK.COM 39,412 Nov 3, 1990 The Help file for the PK-232, PAK-MFJ.COM 37,589 Nov 3, 1990 The Help file for the MFJ-1278, PAK-MISC.COM 3,897 Nov 3, 1990 Miscellaneous support files. If you do not have ALL these files and/or the sizes and dates are different, you do not have a valid copy of PAKET version 4.0! The Manual. Full Installation instructions are supplied on the PAKET 4 Manual so the first thing you should do is print The Manual, or at least read it on the screen. The Manual is contained in the compressed distribution file, PAK-DOC.EXE. To expand this file, you will need about 200KB free space on your hard disk or on a diskette. The space on this drive will be used to hold the full Manual plus a supplied print utility . I will call this drive the "output drive". For the following example I will assume your "output drive" is drive C: and that your PAK-DOC.EXE file is in drive B: but you can substitute your own drives as required. Ensure you are logged on to the "output drive", then run the "program", eg: C:>B:PAK-DOC The PAK-DOC "program" contains two files: The Manual (PAKET.DOC) and another program (PAKPRT.EXE) which you may use to print The Manual. You will see the LHARC program display these file names as the PAK-DOC file is expanded into its full form. The Manual contains some illustrations of PAKET's Windows, which use the IBM Box Graphic Characters to "draw" the window borders. Most printers can handle these Graphic Characters, but in case yours does not, the PAKPRT program can convert those symbols to normal ASCII characters when printing The Manual. The Manual is plain ASCII text, apart from the Box Graphic Characters mentioned above. There are no Word Processing codes, no bold text, no underlined text, etc. So, you could display it on the screen with the DOS "TYPE" command or, preferably, with a utility such as LIST7. It does contain Form Feeds and no page has more than 60 lines of text so when printing, you should find it will fit easily on your page. You will need to line up the paper so printing starts close to the left hand edge because some of the Window illustrations take almost the entire 80 columns. To print The Manual, log into your "output drive" where the files PAKET.DOC and PAKPRT.EXE now reside. Then run the PAKPRT program, eg: C:>PAKPRT and after answering the question as to whether your printer can print Graphics Characters, The Manual will be sent to your printer on LPT1. If for some reason the PAKET.DOC file was not on this "output drive" you could specify its location as a parameter on the command line, eg: C:>PAKPRT A:PAKET.DOC The Manual is over 80 pages, but don't be tempted to bypass this step. You will find it helpful when installing PAKET 4 and it should prove useful for reference later, so take the time and trouble to print it. Thank you for choosing PAKET. I hope you find it useful and productive in your operation. 73s de Tony Lonsdale, VK2DHU @ VK2ATM