DISK COPY PLUS is the professional version of DISK COPY FAST. It includes all the features of DISK COPY FAST plus some advanced features. To many people, large quantity diskette duplicating means that you need to buy four-disk copier. Not so any more. With DISK COPY PLUS you can assemble two low-end 286 PCs each equipped with two floppy drives at much lower price and achieve much higher copying speed. Not only do You get higher productivity, but also that you get two computers instead of a special purpose machine. DISK COPY PLUS is even better for you if you only need to copy small quantity of the same source diskette every day. Consider the low cost, incredibly high speed (see page 14-15 in DCF30.DOC) and other powerful features (explained later), DISK COPY PLUS is hard to beat. One of the most powerful features of DISK COPY PLUS is customized hot keys. You define up to 10 hot keys according to your special needs. A feature similar to hot keys but requiring no keystrokes is the AUTOEXEC feature. You define what DISK COPY PLUS should do automatically when you run the program, just like AUTOEXEC.BAT does when you reboot your computer. For example, DISK COPY PLUS can be configured so that each time you type DCP at the DOS prompt it will read a image file, set up a serial number (explained later), define read/write options and then prompt for the target disk. You then insert the target into drive A:, close the door and it will start copying. You can use one drive only or you can alternate between two drives, if they both support the format of the image file (source disk). Imagine. Just type DCP and change the diskette 100 times! That is all you need to do to make 100 copies, each one double checked with a BYTE-BY-BYTE comparison to make sure they are identical to the original, except for the serial number. This high degree of automation means that you can save time for more creative work, or you can hire someone who knows nothing about computers to do the copying for you. Another nice feature of DISK COPY PLUS is automatic serial number assignment. Some people like to change the disk serial number that DOS shows you when you use the DIR command. Other people like to imbed a unique serial number in their product so that whenever and wherever they see a copy of their product they know where it came from. DISK COPY PLUS allow you to do either or both types of these serial numbers. In addition, it provides other tools to help you find the right location for imbedding serial numbers and show you the imbedded serial number on any duplicated diskette. This feature can be done automatically using the hot keys or AUTOEXEC features. DISK COPY PLUS also keeps track of serial number of EVERY image file for you so that you don't need to specify the serial number each time you run the program. It also keeps a log file for your diskette duplication. With a little editing (you add the distributing destination) the log file becomes a nice record of your diskette distribution. For those who prefer imbedding serial number in individual files DISK COPY PLUS also comes with a utility program which helps you imbed a file or multiple files in a project. This utility also include the bookkeeping features so that Your work will be reduced to minimum. If you duplicate diskettes on regular basis you also need a head cleaning utility. While some head cleaning utility programs claim that they work, DISK COPY PLUS actually shows you that it works. You will have the confidence that you give your diskette drive the best care possible. DISK COPY PLUS also provides commands that allow you to see the contents of a diskette, image file or diskette loaded in memory. With all these features, the registration fee for DISK COPY PLUS is only $50 plus shipping and handling.