How to make your very own onscreen newsletter 1. Run DEMO.BAT first. 1. Type TITLES to see the 4 mastheads available. 2. Always run NEWS1.BAT before you try to view a newsletter COM. 3. Do not load any of these DEB/DET sets into AUTODOC. They "lock it up." 4. Make your own headlines with FONT-G1, FONT-G2 and FONT-GS in AUTOFONT. 5. Load SMOOTHY1.COM with the I option before running AUTOFONT (AF.EXE). 7. Use any text editor to type your text into the DET which corresponds to the masthead you want to use. 8. Load your headlines into the DET. Load SMOOTHY1 before booting the editor so the headlines will look correct while you are working with them. 9. Use AUTOCOM to make your final COM. 10. Don't forget No. 2 above before you run your COM.