GAKUSEI 1.0 PRODUCT INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION The customer in mind for Gakusei is a Japanese language student, or a teacher, who may not have hundreds of dollars to spend on computer equipment and software. After running it, I hope you will agree that there is nothing quite like it among computer-based Japanese language learning products. Gakusei lessons are in development now. A total of about 100 lessons, divided among 6 sets, is anticipated. This Gakusei demo contains the first 6 lessons. Lesson set 1, containing the first 15 lessons, is available now. As sets 2-6 become available, users will be notified. PRICING For INDIVIDUALS, the product is priced as follows: Lesson set 1 $40.00 postage and handling $ 4.00 -------- total for new registered user $44.00 (outside U.S.A., add additional $ 3.00 For SCHOOLS that wish to use Gakusei, a site license is available. The maximum that an educational institution would pay for lesson set 1 is $240.00 (plus postage and handling). 1 installation: $ 40.00 2 installations: $ 75.00 3 installations: $105.00 4-10 installations: $130.00-$240.00 more than 10 installations: $240.00 If you pay the registration fee, you receive the entire lesson set 1 plus a printed user manual. REGISTRATION As a registered user, you will be notified when new lesson sets and upgrades become available. When you register, please help us by telling us about any problems you may have encountered in the installation or operation of the tutorial. To register as a user and receive the first lesson set, tear off and use the Product Registration Form at the end of this manual. DOCUMENTATION In a demo version, the file C:\Gakusei\Gakfiled is a list of all files in the package. On the registered version, the file C:\Gakusei\Gakfilef is the package file list. This manual is available in both Microsoft Word (Gakusei.doc) and plain ASCII (Gakusei.txt) formats. SUPPORT You can contact Barham Software at our phone number, 1-800-RAN-EASY. If you hear our recorded message, please be sure to speak clearly, and leave your name, area code and phone number, and the time you called. We will return your phone call as soon as possible. You can also send us e-mail at our CompuServe address 70700,2225. From Internet, the address is If you do e- mail us, please include a phone number where we can reach you. GAKUSEI PRODUCT REGISTRATION FORM (mail): +-------------------------------------------------- | | Your Name: | Address: | City: | State or Country: | Zip Code: | phone (include area code): | | Are you a teacher? If so, what level | (elementary, middle school, high school, college). | | Approximately how many Japanese language students | are you teaching? | | | Diskette size desired: 3.5" HD 5.25" HD | What type of PC do you have: | processor (e.g., 286, 386, etc.): | MS-DOS version (e.g., 3.3): | monitor (monochrome, VGA, super VGA): | printer (make-model, e.g. StarMicronics NX-2420 Rainbow): | | | What problems have you encountered with the tutorial so far? | | | | | | Please suggest a feature or upgrade that you would like to see: | | | | | | Mail with a check or money order to: | | BARHAM SOFTWARE | 15507 S. Normandie Ave. #245 | GARDENA, CA. 90247-4028 | | Compuserve: 70700,2225 | Internet: | | Phone: USA: 1-800-RAN-EASY (1-800-726-3279) | outside USA: 1-310-327-4862