What to do with the enclosed files: Teach.def........Authors preferred description for BBSs, or catalogs. Hint.txt.........Read it. Regis.txt........Print out, fill in, enclose check, mail. (Please!!!) Author.txt.......Read it, tells how to contact me. Teacher.doc......READ IT! Teacher.exe......Run it. Words.dat........Data file for the Spelling section, needed to run Teacher.exe. Anto.dat.........Data file for the Antonyms section, needed to run Teacher.exe. Syno.dat.........Data file for the Synonyms section, needed to run Teacher.exe. Math.dat.........Data file for the Math section, needed to run Teacher.exe. Hist.dat.........Data file for the History section, needed to run Teacher.exe. Geog.dat.........Data file for the Geography section, needed to run Teacher.exe. Anag.dat.........Data file for the Analogy section, needed to run Teacher.exe. Macp.dat.........Data file for the Comparison section, needed to run Teacher.exe. Sent.dat.........Data file for the Sentence section, needed to run Teacher.exe. Pref.dat.........Data file for the Prefix section, needed to run Teacher.exe. Sufx.dat.........Data file for the Suffix section, needed to run Teacher.exe. Defn.dat.........Data file for the Definitions section,needed to run Teacher. Help.hlp.........Help file, needed to run Teacher.exe. New.txt..........Read it. What's New? 05/12/91 Spellit Version 1 released upon the world. 05/14/91 Along came Son of Version 1 (Version 2.0) with: Faster routines Built in Text Editor Score Board Line for a Definition of each word Caps Lock does not need to be ON. 05/19/91 Released V3.0 Added Graphics and Support for Color and Mono Displays. Added Speech To Graphics. 05/22/91 Renamed to TCHENG(Teach English) Released TCHENG upon the world. Added Antonyms and Synonyms to program. Added Scrolling help file. 05/26/91 Renamed to TEACHER. Added MATH problems. Re-did screens for Mono users. Added Scoreboard on Exit. Other small refinements made. 06/05/91 Released Teach12 Added History and Geography problems to make it a more functional program. Re-worked some of the code, for faster operation. Re-worked some of the screens for better display. 06/18/91 Released Teach13 Added Time Clock and Date to screens. Added better Mouse support. Changed AID (Help) for faster operation and ease of use, now has Mouse Control. Reduced Code size. Added some Error Control Routines, now tests for needed files on start up. 07/05/91 Released V14 Corrected a small bug in Clock routine. Added F1 key to call up help screen. 09/10/91 Released V1.6 Removed Gorillas vocal cords, would not work correctly on different speeds. Added Analogies Section Added Sentence completion section Added Math comparison section 10/27/91 Released V2.0 Added areas for Vocabulary study, Definitions, Prefixes and Suffixes. Added music and a new opening screen for non-registered versions. Added the ability to register future releases thru a KEY program.