Jayne M. The review of the on-line library systems was a good approach... You did well to outline the criteria by which you scored each system. Your justifications of each score were obviously well thought out and based on observation (empiricism lives :>). The advice that Prof. O'Donnel gave is applicable (critiquing the use of the RCN to get on-line, etc.). Having been a little aware of your planned approach I was not surprised to see that you had included a review of the search (and results of the search) for a particular topic. It is a great methodology because it gives the reader, even an inexperienced telecom user, a review of the approach. I would suggest that you print the text out using a laser printer (available at the computer lab), making sure that your name, degree, current poisition as librarian (and where), and what circumstance the review was conducted under were added in a cover letter... then send a copy to the head librarian at each of the locations... It would be quite interesting to see their response to your very well done review. As an aside... I was in the BC O'Neill Library yesterday (7/27/91) and had an opportunity to review an on-line periodical and book search program that used CD-ROM technology. The product was called PRO-QUEST. I watched an essentially non-computer literate person (limited experience using statistical applications) use the program and successfully conduct a search for literature in less than 4 minutes. I would recommend that you (and other librarians) become aware of the product... CD-ROM is something that can be put into the operation of a BBS. Also, as has been the case for all the work submitted... Excellent... I continue to be impressed with the quality and quantity of work produced... and the enthusiasm generated. Jim Downey