Insoluble in the usual reagents. 1348 Not acidic or basic. Solvent is deuterochloroform. ٻ) D "!4!T! # L 132023303334383941424344454648495154 there is a ratio of 3 aromatic protons (1,2,4-substituted ?) to 1 methyl group. # dummy ms # # # # # Only nitrogen was detected. 264048 Could be an amine, amide, cyanide, nitro compound etc. Burnt with a smoky flame leaving no residue. # Behaviour typical of an aromatic compound. 70 to 73 degrees. # A low melting solid. Nujol mull. ##!"!""$""#$$#$%%$%$#$$$$$$###$$%&%&&%%%&&&&'&&'''''((((('((((''(((()())()(*,,,,,,-/2=KyreYQTKJLR`ĵycE84/,+)*-//-,,,,-,,++,-+**)***)))*++++********)()(())**)((((((''''''&'&&&&'''&&&&&&&%%%&()+(&&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#$%&&()+*(&%$#####$$$##"""""#$$$% &&$$$""#$&,/=gq]UMHBCJi˺vlnz{riYI>765AMOuȤ|nkg`WSOJQgYLDA><:989:?J>966521SY^^