Dissolved in both water and ether (no change in pH of water) 1348 Low molecular weight, neutral, oxygen or nitrogen containing compound. Solvent is deuterochloroform. ֲͿ˻Ƶ νvh" BZzɻ;d!"Ŭ" # ̫L 132023303334383941424344454648495154 The unknown is a saturated aliphatic aldehyde. A propyl group may be present. # dummy ms # # # # # No extra elements were detected. 212531353941424349264048 Nitrogen, sulfur and halogen containing compounds are absent. Burnt with a clear flame leaving no residue. # Probably a saturated aliphatic compound. Below room temperature. # A typical organic liquid. Neat liquid film +()''(**(%&(%('''&&%&'&&&&&&'(*+-----./024779999999;GJC<62/-..----****,,,-...//.-./1244358:;87653/,*)((''&&&&&'((**+--.1229@GWvykiv~paQHGDEC@ACDJMLTLHFCBCGJMRPKGEFIJKMQZdnvxurwjeaZVSNLMNRY_a[OKHGN\kwpjeksy{shghi]L>310..,)())-15:=:752247