Insoluble in the normal reagents. 1348 The unknown is not acidic nor basic. Peak near 9ppm is exchangeable. Solvent is deuterochloroform. ǾǼ Ⱦyn! ]az N!>%u" # L # Assignments may be 5 Ar (Ph ?), isolated methylene and methyl, 1 exchangeable. # dummy ms # # # # # Only nitrogen was found. 264048 Halogen and sulfur are absent. No residue was left after burning with a smoky flame. # Unknown 30 is probably aromatic. 83-85 degrees. # A low melting solid. Nujol mull %&%%&%%%$%%%%%%%%%%%&&&&&&''''()))))***++,,,----../01000012469=GYcyjcld\TZcc\S[ffcb]Z[dnʸ}S@9530..../0.......---,,,+***)))(''''''&'''&&&&&&&'&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&'(&%$$$$$$%%%&'&%%%%%&%%&&&'((()))*++,./4=Rmtr ަob`[`kqXCP^||h\RPafaec|ztjZWastozumszkktwlcSDAECA>;=CO?51...02;Eb|ocNA:731/...----0473-,++++-0561//3401..2750,*)(()),?D/+*((-382-+)))'(**)('()+.4V}rbQNRVWZ]YZd72.+(''1<,(&'""""!""&++1)%#&,PI,4WM)%#"$&%"!! $$(+-. # The compound is a mono-substituted amide with a monosubstituted benzene ring. Too high - decomposition occurred. # Typical behaviour for a solid. Optically inactive. # The molecule is not chiral. Not usually measured for a solid. # Best to make this measurement on a liquid. Not usually measured for a solid. # Measure this for a liquid. # # # # # # # dummy cmr # # # # # # # # # # # No precipitate was formed. 2227282950 The unknown is not an aldehyde or ketone. No positive result. 3344454651 The unknown is not an alcohol, phenol or acid. No positive result was obtained. # Unknown 30 is not a primary or secondary amine. # # # # # # No reaction could be seen. 14 The unknown is not an ester. No apparent reaction took place. # Nitro groups are absent from the compound. # # # # # # # # # # # # No positive result. 3344454651 The compound is not an alcohol, phenol or a primary or secondary amine. A red colour formed. # Unknown 30 is an amide. No reaction was noticed. # The compound is not unsaturated nor is it easily oxidised. # # # No colour change was observed. 232850 The compound is not a sugar. No observable change. # No nitro groups are present. No reaction was seen. # Unknown 30 is not unsaturated nor is it a phenol. No positive result. # The compound is not an ether. No change in colour was noticed. # The unknown is not a phenol. No reaction was observed. # The compound is not a primary amine. # # # No reaction. # Unknown 30 is not a primary or secondary amine. No apparent change could be seen. # Unknown 30 is not an amino acid. No positive result. # No foul smell equals no primary amine. # # # # # # # # # A vigorous reaction giving a solution took place. # Typical of N- and/or O-containing compounds. # # # No change could be seen. # The unknown is not a primary amine. # # # # # # No reaction occurred. # The compound is not unsaturated. It is also not a phenol. The compound reacted with aqueous base to give an insoluble liquid product. # The hydrolysis product is a water insoluble, nonvolatile liquid:- eg an amine. No positive result. 3344454651 The unknown is not an alcohol, phenol or amine (prim. or sec.). # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # colourless solid 010507 3153 81 Decarboxylation occurred forming another acid with amide m.p. 79-82 degrees. 1 įc^ solid amide 3 acetoacetanilide ethylphenylacetanilide 4-n-propylacetanilide