The unknown dissolved in aqueous sodium hydroxide but not in sodium bicabonate. 1348 Typical of compounds with a weakly acidic group. Peak near 4.6ppm is exchangeable. Solvent is deuterochloroform. 㲱ԕEBs лa >ޜZszB!J"|!!A#9& # 3 ArH protons (trisub. benzene ?), isopropyl and methyl groups and an OH. The peak at 150 is the molecular ion. k[>4k/M/'-y-u-),3)O*i(s)) 26 The 150 molecular ion loses Me to form 135, a very stable ion (aromatic ?). Lambda max nm (log absorbance): 276 (3.3), 282 (3.3). In cyclohexane. # The unknown is conjugated ( aromatic ? ). No extra elements were detected. 212531353941424349264048 Absent are nitrogen, sulfur and halogens. The unknown burnt with a sooty flame leaving no residue. # The compound is aromatic or unsaturated. 49 to 53 degrees. # A low melting solid. Melt. ,,,+++,,*)()((('''&%%%%$$$#$$$&),2ESu¾ztojd\XUUZ]lz¿kYSOE><=??EHC@=;98866556789:77666666566655642210/,--+)))))*+)'&%$%$$##$$$$#$##$%%%%%$$$$%%&&&&&&&()+-4BOcΓfJD=/(&$'8B?BGIGIJMQvlWQMNNJNNNXYVeqhhbdlqo`geo}} 141922242729423153 The compound has aromatic character and vibrations due to OH. 228 to 230 degrees. # A typical value. Optically inactive. # The compound is achiral. Not usually measured for a solid. # Usually for liquids. Not usually measured for a solid. # Best measured on a liquid. # # # # # # Solvent is deuterochloroform. ;s7s;skd_dMd;]d7q5Nq 14192224272942 Trisubstituted benzene, methine, methyl seen. Odd no. H (symmetry, heteratom?). # # # # # # # # # No precipitate was formed. 2227282950 This compound is not an aldehyde or ketone. A reaction occurred after warming which melted the compound. # The compound has active hydrogen ie OH, NH or SH. # # # # # # # # # No reaction was seen. 14 The compound is not an ester. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # A reaction occurred giving an oily product. # The unknown could be an alcohol or phenol. # # # No change was seen. # The compound contains no easily oxidisable groups. No reaction. # The compound is not a primary or secondary alcohol. No colour change was observed. 232850 This compound is not a sugar. # # # Discharge of colour occurred with evolution of a gas which fumed in moist air. # The gas is HBr. This is a substitution reaction which is typical of phenols. No positive result. # The compound is not an ether. Violet coloured solution was formed. # The compound is a phenol (or enol). # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # No reaction was observed. # The compound is not a polyhydric alcohol. No positive result. # This compound is not a 1,2-diol. No reaction. # The unknown is not a primary or secondary alcohol. A very rapid reaction took place. ** Danger** # Typical of reactive aromatic compounds. # # # # # # # # # No reaction was noted. # This compound is not a simple alcohol. Discharge of the reagent's colour was observed. # This reaction indicates a phen.l or unsaturation No reaction could be seen. # the compound is not an acetal, amide, anhydride, ester, nitrile etc. A reaction took place. # The unknown is a phenol, alcohol or amine (prim. or sec.). # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # colourless solid with a pungent odour 01050738 0 6566686974768486 Solid m.p. 53 to 56 degrees Solid m.p. 147 to 150 degrees Oily solid m.p. 30-33 degrees Crystals m.p. 70-72 degrees Solid m.p. 159-160 degrees Crystals m.p. 102 to 106 degrees Colourless solid m.p. 105-107 degrees Solid m.p. 69 to 72 degrees 3 ïrvqf ɤoJxos solid phenol 3 p-ethylphenol 2,6-dimethylphenol thymol