The unknown was soluble only in concentrated sulfuric acid. 1348 Typical behavior of neutral, oxygen containing compounds. Peak at 2ppm is exchangeable. Deuterochloroform is the solvent. ˾ 1O о ઽʮ> %!!"֘# # 5 ArH (Ph ?), 1 exchangeable (OH, NH or SH), 6 saturated aliphatic protons. The molecular ion occurs at 136. kOM\?35i4N*['9&5%4$ 26 The base peak at 107 is formed by loss of Et (29) from 136. Lambda max. nm (log absorbance):248 (2.2), 251 (2.3). # The compound is conjugated (aromatic). No extra elements were detected. 212531353941424349264048 The compound does not contain nitrogen, sulfur or halogens. The unknown burnt with a smoky flame. # This indicates unsaturation. Below room temperature. # As usual for a liquid. Thin film. ,.-,--,--,+++*)******)))**+++-048:=IYdpwſ}ytmeejtxu׽ū|wbZTOKGDDEECCBBAA@?><:875433222221/..-,,--,,*)))+**+''&&&&&&&%$$###$$##""#####$$$$%&'((*.36:61,)'&')-/142-*)'%#"$%&(+042.(##$')*+,,++('&%$#$&(+ ,-,,,++,,-./26F[@D47-)''*,0/-./035CHrpYbҸ~{|ysryzzyy|vi[WowdTTPI@?E;42>Rkw}|mN<0,0