Galactic Crusade PC Version 1.00 Standard Copyright (C) 1992 David N. Wilson All Rights Reserved DESCRIPTION: ------------ This is a game for 1 player, with from 1 to 10 computer opponents. The object of the game is to conquer the Galaxy by eliminating all of your opponents. SHAREWARE: ---------- Galactic Crusade, PC Version 1.00 Standard is distributed as Shareware. If you use the game for more than seven days, you are required to pay the author a registration fee of $10. You are encouraged to distribute the Unregistered Version freely so long as no fee is charged for the game and it is distributed in original form, complete with all support files. FILES: ------ The following files are included in this package: CRUSADE.EXE Main program CRUSADE.TXT This file REGISTER.DOC Registration form CRUSADE.ANS ANSI logo screen The game itself will create the following data files: PLANET.DAT RESOLVE.DAT PLAYER.DAT MOVEFILE.DAT Note that there is no game instructions file, this is provided internally in the game. The previously listed files are Copyright (C) 1992 by David N. Wilson and may not be modified in any way. SUPPORT: -------- Two forms of support are currently available for Galactic Crusade. Electronic support is provided via modem through The Skyview BBS. For more information on support via modem, please read the game instructions. Mail support is provided via U.S. Mail. Read the game instructions for the appropriate address. 24 hour technical support is provided to Registered Users only. However, all users are encouraged to call us at The Skyview BBS and let us know what you think of the game and changes/enhancements that you would like to see. You can also download the very latest version of Galactic Crusade. For those of you in Fidonet, you can file request CRUSADE from 1:264/614 for the latest version. REQUIREMENTS: ------------- This program runs in 640X480X16 color VGA mode ONLY. Currently, it will only run with a VGA color monitor capable of the above resolution attached, and running as the current monitor. This game was written using a 16 Mhz 386SX. It has been tested on a 16 Mhz and 25 Mhz 386, as well as a 12 Mhz 286, and runs fine on all of these. On machines of slower speeds, it is likely to be a little slow, especially on the resolutions phase every turn. At present, printing of game instructions from within the game only supports printer port lpt1, and assumes an 80 column printer with 66 lines per page. I hope to add support for multiple printing styles and additional printer ports in future versions. 1 TECHNICAL INFO: --------------- If you are trying to run the game on a machine with a color VGA monitor capable of 640X480X16 color resolution with at least 256K of video memory and are having display problems, or simply cannot get the game to run, I would appreciate a response concerning the problem. Please include your complete system setup, including monitor model, make and model of your VGA card (if known), how much video memory the card has, and your computer type. Game totals are computed on the following basis: Planets Owned * 100 + No. of ships currently on all of your planets. Note that if you play an extremely long game and accumulate more than 999 ships on any particular planet, the status display for the planets may look a little strange. However, game play will proceed as normal and all values will be accurate. INTENDED ADDITIONS: ------------------- I intend to add many features in the next version of Galactic Crusade, including Mouse support, an updated user interface, computer players with specific strategies, support for more types of displays, and much more. Also, any bug fixes that may be reported. There are two different versions of the game. The PC version, which you now have, and the Network/LAN version. The Network/LAN version is currently under development and will only be available through special request and Registration fee, and only to Registered Users of the PC version. There are several differences between the PC and Network/LAN versions, but the basic concept of the game is the same. For information on the Network/LAN version and when it will be available, read the registration form file REGISTER.DOC which accompanies this package. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: ---------------- This game was created from a concept by Anthony K. Hedrick and Wade Sutherland. Algorithms for the Registration EXE Brander courtesy of Anthony K. Hedrick. WARRANTY: --------- Galactic Crusade is protected by applicable copyright laws. Galactic Crusade is provided as is, without warranty of any kind or fitness for a particular purpose, either express or implied, all of which are hereby explicitly disclaimed. David N. Wilson only guarantees that Galactic Crusade will occupy disk space. In no event shall David N. Wilson be held liable to you or anyone else for any damages or costs, including, but not limited to, any lost profits, lost savings, lost income, lost information, loss of the right to use Galactic Crusade, or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use Galactic Crusade. 2