BOMB BRANDENBURG AIRCRAFT FACTORY Because of the relatively light armament which the He 162 usually carried, two 20mm MG 151 cannons, it was not really the best aircraft with which to take on the twelve .50 caliber machine guns of a B-17 Flying Fortress. Even in large numbers, the Volksjager probably would not have posed as great a threat to bomber crews as did the four 30mm cannons of the Me 262. One factor in favor of the He 162 was that it was constructed largely of wood, an airframe material known for its ability to sustain heavy damage from machine gun fire and still hang together. YOUR MISSION Follow your flight leader as he takes your formation of six B-17Gs in to bomb an aircraft factory in Brandenburg. Two escorting P-51Ds will provide top cover support. Intelligence reports indicate that you may encounter the first of Goering's "Volksjager Volkssturm", a determined unit of young pilots formed to defend the heart of the Third Reich.