RENDEZVOUS WITH B-17S Recent Allied intelligence reports indicate that the Luftwaffe is readying a new jet fighter. Called the Volksjager, or "People's Fighter", the Heinkel He 162 is a very small single-engine jet fighter. Identifiable by its odd top-mounted engine, forward cockpit, twin tail fins, backward-looking wings, and small size, the He 162 should nonetheless be taken quite seriously by any pilot or crew who encounters it in combat. Allied aircraft design experts believe this little bird may be able to turn with our Mustangs and even out-climb them. YOUR MISSION An unusually large number of escort fighters have experienced mechanical difficulties forcing them to turn back, and thereby creating a weak spot in the defensive net covering the bomber stream headed for Kassel. You have been scrambled to provide protection for the vulnerable bombers. Lead your flight of four P-51B Mustangs up from Bonn airfield to rendezvous with a formation of B-17s en route to bomb the Kassel munitions factory. As you climb to 25,000 feet, use your map to keep track of the bombers' position. You'll need to reach the bombers as quickly as possible, for even now they are entering an area known to be heavily defended by the Luftwaffe.