ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º BIG TITLER 3.0 - AUTHOR : LEQUENNE LAURENT º ÉÍÍÍÍÍÊÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÊÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º This is a shareware program, so if you are using this º º program illegally you are invited to register you. º º Send me a check of 350,- FB or 10$ and you will receive º º your register version as soon as possible. º º º º Lequenne Laurent º º Av. AndromŠde 70/3 º º 1200 Bruxelles º º Belgium º º º º Fidonet : 2:295/63.29 º º Bank account : 210-0907599-22 º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ This program was designed to draw big texts on the screen. For this i'm using VGA fonts, so you are not limited by the fonts, and you can change them with a VGA font editor. There are a lot of features, and i will try to explain them you now. Before running Big Titler make you sure that the executable file, the help file, and the fonts are in the same directory. You can specify three lines of text. For each line, you have to specify his justification in a delimited frame, depending of the longest line of text. There are three justifications available (Center, Left, Right). If you don't enter the three lines of text. The program stop the framing after the last line you entered. To do work all this stuff, it's essential to specify the font you want to use. These fonts are usually FNT extension files. Well if you enter at least these two first options, you can now draw your text, because all other options have default values. We will list and explain now all these options. Filler : This is the character used for drawing the letters. All characters upper then the ASCII 31 character are accepted. Background filler : This is the character used for filling in the background for forming a frame. the default value is a space character. Extra Space : This is the number of characters that will be filled by the background filler between each letter. Extra line : This is the number of lines drawn between each text line. Space width : If you don't enter a single word text line, you can change the number of characters that will be taken by the space. This space will be filled by the background filler. Height : This is the height of the letters. All fonts are formatted for 16 high bits letters. But in almost cases only 12 bits are used. So you can put this on 12. Vertical Border : This is the number of lines that will be added at the top and the bottom of the text. Horizontal Border : You can specify the numbers of characters that will be added at the beginning and at the end of the line. Frame border : If you enter a non-velo value, the text will be framed. If you press the F8 key, you can see all available frames. Frame justification : You can justify this frame on the screen (Center, Left, Right). If none of them are specified, the program will use the first column option to determine the upper left corner of the frame. First column : If none justification are given, the upper left corner of the frame will be put at this column. First line : The upper left corner of the frame will be drew on this line. ANSI : If this setting is set on 'Y' then ANSI escape sequences will be used, and so you can change the colors of the text. Foreground color : This is the foreground color of the filler and the frame characters. Foreground text color : this is the color of the drew text. Background color : No comment ! Foreground text attribute : you can specify an attribute, such as blinking, normal, highlighted. This is the attribute for the drew text. Foreground attribute : the same for the filler and the frame characters. Clearscreen : If this setting is equal to 'Y'. The screen will be cleaned before drawing. FUNCTIONS KEYS : F1 : Display this help. F2 : Change settings screen. There are two options screens. one for general settings, and one for all stuff related to ANSI. F3 : This will draw the text on the screen. F4 : This will redirect the output in a file, for later use. So you have to specify a filename. F5 : This option reads a configuration file you have saved or edited before. F6 : This option saves the current settings. You can edit them with a simple editor. I won't be explain the commands. Just save an example to see all commands you can use. It's important leave a space between the command, the ':' and the value you assign to this setting. F7 : Give you the list of the background and foreground colors and a list of the color attributes you can use. F8 : Give you an example of each frame you can use. They are numbered from 1 to 6. F9 : You can select the font you want to use by pressing this key. You obtain a file list, you can go through the list via the PgUp and the PgDn key. For selecting a font you have to use the up and down key. When you highlighted the font you want, press the enter key. To exit without font selection press the ESC key.