CS0013.ZIP. This contains the replacement files found on CSD000013 for C-Set/2 The EXE files shoild be placed in IBMC\BIN, the LIB files in IBMC\LIB and the DLLs in IBMC\DLL. Please note that this is not an official CSD. The official disk can be obtained by calling 1-800-237-5511. Ask for PTF XR20046 This will give you CS00008. CS000013 is the interim level before the next official CSD. There are no known problems with CS000013, and it has been extensively tested. Note that replacing the files by hand will not update the files used by SYSLEVEL to report service levels. A list of changes is in CSDFIXES.LST Regards, Ian Ameline, C-Set/2 Development & Support