TVBEGIN Version 1.5 TurboVision Begin (TVBEGIN) is a tool for creating a simple TurboVision program using TP Version 6.0. It can be used by the TP programmer to create his/her first TurboVision program. The program can also be useful for making the beginning skeleton program for a new TurboVision Program. I wrote the program because I did not like modifying old code. The program writes new code with the program name entered. You only have two menu options at the start of the program. The first menu option is for the About dialog and Exit. The Second is to Make the program. The make menu has two options. The first is for program information. The program's name (8 characters, the '.PAS extention will be added as the file name ) is the first info line needed. The program does not check if a file name exists so be sure to use a name that does not have the PAS extention. If you do not enter any information, the default names will be used and you will have to slightly modify the resulting code. Program Description is the next info line. This is just a short description about the program for the About dialog. The last info line is for the authors name and should not need an explanation. The second option in the Make menu is to begin making the program. That is all there is to it. The created program's new option brings up a dialog box. This dialog box allows you to enter a line of text. The entered text then appears on the first line of the window. Each line of text entered will always appear on the first line. I will leave it to you to scroll it down. Neil Rubenking's book, Turbo Pascal 6.0 Techniques and Utilities, broke my mental barrier for using TurboVision. The MakeMenu utility has also been of great help. My thanks go to him for his help. TVBEGIN contains only two files TVBEGIN.EXE TVBEGIN.TXT Since you are reading this, you at least have TVBEGIN.TXT. This program may be distributed freely but this file must be included when distributed. This Version (1.0) is FREEWARE. It may not be sold or combined in any package without the copyright holders permission. No warranty is offered with this code whatsoever, including its fitness for any particular purpose. The copyright holder shall not be liable for damages of any kind that may arise from its use. If you have any comments or enhancements, please let me know. I can be contacted through Compuserve. Bill Romano User ID 70125,213 Revision History 11/1/91 Fixed cosmetic problem on status line. Exit was Alt-X not Alt-F3 11/15/91 Added a window and input dialog box to put entered text in the window