THANKS! I know I have given you a great deal of material to read through. But, even with all I presented, I still feel I must have left out something. F.D. Roosevelt said "We do the best we know how at the moment, and if it doesn't work out, we modify it! I feel I have done the best I know how to offer you the "tools" necessary to plot out a great future. I am going to leave you with one final thought. Perhaps you have heard this story in one form or another, but even if you have, it is worth repeating. ***** A fellow was driving down the road and his car suddenly started to sputter. He was lucky. Right across the street there was a sign "mechanic on duty". He made it into the shop and immediately the car just quit. The mechanic lifted the hood, turned a screw and the car started. The mechanic presented a bill for $25.00. The customer said "I am not going to pay you $25.00 just to turn one screw". The mechanic said "OK. I will rewrite the bill". The mechanic went into his office and prepared the following: Turning one screw -----------------$ 1.00 Knowing Which Screw to Turn $24.00 ______ TOTAL $25.00 Knowledge is POWER! I hope I was able to get this point over to you in this disk presentation. If not, I'm sorry. Please call me and let me try again. --- (804) 499-9151 I wish you the best in whatever venture you enter, and I hope I will be able to help you grab that "tuning *" or whatever star you desire. Ron Van Hoose Tuner/Technician/Author