FROM THE AUTHOR The information on this disk is completely FREE. No regis- tration is required. Everything you need to know in order to properly tune your own piano or to tune professionally is presented in a logi- cal format. If you need additional help, you will find I offer all you need if you request enrollment as one of my students. This disk contains the complete updated text (except for the graphics) of my published book "STRICTLY TUNING". Since this Disk Book must be presented so all computers can read the information, certain graphics files cannot be included. These can be obtained directly from me (explained later). Although these illustrations are not necessary to understand the text, they do make it a little easier. It is suggested that you read through all files on this disk before making a decision to continue your education by registering as a "Student". AS AN ENROLLED STUDENT YOU WILL RECEIVE: > Two 60 minute audio tapes of me playing the illustra- tions in the text - complete with verbal instructions > A copy of the illustrations to better understand the printed text > A "BUSINESS DISK" full of information on how to set up and maintain a Piano Service Business, how to adver- tise, income tax and license requirements, how to keep track of everything on your computer or by manual means, and much more. This disk also contains EXTENSIVE instructions on how to make minor repairs to your customer's pianos in the home. This knowledge can easily double your income. After all, a piano can't be tuned if the keys don't work. > The opportunity to correspond with me via audio tapes YOU MAY ALSO REQUEST: > A Basic Tuning Tool Kit containing everything you need to tune a piano > When you feel you are ready (up to five years), you will have the opportunity to apply for the course examination. After you successfully complete this exam, you will receive a beautiful Certificate suitable for framing and display in your shop. ii > After receipt of your certificate - FREE Telephone Support for One FULL year! You are not charged for the support. Your only cost is for your phone bill. This unique way to learn piano tuning and set up a business has worked for hundreds of my students over the past few years. Now, with this "Disk Book" approach, you have the opportunity to read the entire text without cost and then decide if you really want to join the ranks of professional tuners. If you are serious about learning to tune, setting up your own business and enjoying a comfortable, respectable, well paying profession, I am certain I can show you how. More detailed information on how I can help you get started is included in the chapter - "Student Information" (see menu). Now, begin your education. I look forward to welcoming you as a student and future professional tuner. Please join us - we need you! RON VAN HOOSE, B.A. Tuner/Technician/Author Press P to print this file or ESC for the Menu iii