Above & Beyond Technical Support from 1Soft *** 707/987-0256 **** Mon-Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm (PACIFIC) Installing Above & Beyond 1.0 is Easy Summary of Steps: 1. Run A:INSTALL 2. Add a Program Item (seen as an icon) 3. Start Above & Beyond 4. Get HELP by pressing Alt+H from Above & Beyond Details: The installation process allows you to select where you would like to put Above & Beyond files. The directory you name will be created if it doesn't already exist, and the files will be copied from the diskette(s) to this target directory. Step 1: Insert the Above & Beyond diskette into drive A:. From the Windows Program Manager, Select Run from the File pull-down menu and type: A:INSTALL Step 2: Create a program item (an icon) in the program group of your choice, eg. Windows Applications. From the Program Manager, select File, and choose New. Select Program Item. As a description, you might type in "Above & Beyond", and for the command line, state the path and program file, eg. c:\ab\AB.exe. You can also specify a datafile name, eg. c:\ab\AB.EXE HOWARD The extension will be assumed as .PAK. When you omit the datafile name, the name used is TIMEDATA.pak by default. Step 3: Start Above & Beyond by selecting the icon you have created and either pressing Enter, or double-clicking with the mouse. Installing Above & Beyond for a LAN Workgroup Although you can install the program file AB.exe in a shareable directory on the server, and have your workstations access it there, it will run faster if installed locally. This is because Windows will not have to repeatedly access the server hard drive to read parts of the program code into memory. If installed on the local workstation, Above & Beyond will not only load quicker, but it will also operate at a faster, more responsive pace. This is true for all Windows applications. The installation is the same as described above in the section "Installing Above & Beyond" with one exception. You will want to have datafiles reside on the server's hard drive. It's recommended you designate an individual directory for each user. This will keep .log files (completed items are tracked in these files) for each user from being combined. When you run Above & Beyond, if the directory and/or file you specify does not yet exist it will automatically be created for you. Suppose you have four users, Bill, Karen, Cindy, and Howard. Drive J: is the name of your server drive. Your command lines on various workstations could be as follows: Bill's workstation has this command line: c:\ab\AB.exe j:\Bill\Bill Karen's workstation has this command line: c:\ab\AB.exe j:\Karen\Karen Cindy's workstation has this command line: c:\ab\AB.exe j:\Cindy\Cindy Howard's workstation has this command line: c:\ab\AB.exe j:\Howard\Howard