CodePrint (TM) - Revision History This file contains enhancements and bug fix history for CodePrint. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- VERSION 1.10 June 24, 1992 ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** IMPORTANT *********************************************************** Due to the addition of FULL margin support configurations saved with v1.00 will not read the correct information for the PAGE dialog. To correct this problem you can delete the CodePrint.INI file or open each saved config- uration and change each option. ** Enhancements *********************************************************** [] Added FULL support for margins. You can now adjust the left, top, right and bottom margins individually. Corrects problem with Dot Matrix printers that would push the right or bottom margin off the page depending on the current orientation. This new feature can be found on the Page Layout dialog. [] Added the ability for the user to change the number of spaces used to expand tabs. The default value is 8. A value of 0 essentially removes tabs. ** Bug Fixes *********************************************************** [] Fixed bug that would not change to the saved path and file spec when a new configuration was opened. [] Fixed bug that allowed a none wildcard file spec to be saved with a configuration. [] Corrected bug that would save the window position when application was closed from iconic state. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- VERSION 1.00 June 16, 1992 ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial release. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- End of changes.txt file ------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------