IconBar 1.5 is the new version of IconBar 1.0 which consists of a file launcher/viewer and a NeXT's dock-like application bar. It solves the problem of complicated setup procedures and provides the easiest way to carry your favorite icons to IconBar. Now you can add a new icon to IconBar by 'grasping' an icon on desktop rather than searching the filenames of icon files. Moreover, you can launch a file and add it to IconBar on the fly. Simply launch a file with the option of 'dock'. These new features of IconBar 1.5 let you get rid of the reluctant setup procedure under other Icon-launcher sharewares. Again, you can add up to 50 icons to IconBar. A built-in pageup/ pagedown button is created for users to scroll IconBar. Many functions have been implemented at this version and are listed as follows: - IconBar Menu - File viewer - Grasp an icon to IconBar - Always on Top - Hide/Re-show options - Arrange Icons - Built-in file launcher - Launch and Dock options - IconBar modifier - Exit Windows and automatically save contents This zip file(ICOBAR15.ZIP) contains the following files: ICONBAR.EXE IB.INI IB.WRI READEME.TXT To install IconBar in you hard disk, simply copy these files to the IconBar directory. You can do it at the DOS prompt by typing mkdir c:\IB copy *.* c:\IB Enjoy it! Aug 29, 1992