If INSTALL.EXE should fail while installing K-Free, you may install K-Free manually using the program EXPAND.EXE. The syntax for EXPAND is: EXPAND Where is the compressed file on the distribution disk, and if the name that should be given to the uncompressed file. For example, to install the K-Free .EXE file you would type a command like: EXPAND KFREE.EX$ C:\DESUTIL\KFREE.EXE This would uncompress the K-Free executable and place it into a directory on C: called DESUTIL. This example assumes that the DESUTIL directory has already been created. The files that you will need to install are listed below: Compressed name Uncompressed Name --------------- ----------------- DELIB DL$ ---> DELIB DLL KF-READ M$ ---> KF-READ ME KFREE EX$ ---> KFREE EXE KFREE HL$ ---> KFREE HLP KFREE HS$ ---> KFREE HST KFREE IN$ ---> KFREE INI -- This file should be placed in your Windows directory ORDER DO$ ---> ORDER DOC PRODUCT IN$ ---> PRODUCT INF