README FILE OOTher: OO DOC TOOL Release 1.04 (ShareWare distribution) --------------------------------------------------------- Tanks for choosing the Object Oriented Analysis Documentation Tool. Read the Help file on how to obtain a licence. This version has been updated to be compatible with MS Windows 3.0 and 3.1. Due to a bug in the first shipped version of Win 3.1 (hex version 0x0a03) you may experience incorrect vertical spacing in printed sheets. Is so, add the following line to win.ini under [OoaToolFree]: msWin31Bug01=1 (read more in 'Help' accesible from the tool). Manifest -------- OOAHELP HLP WinHelp file OOA EXE executable file READMEOO TXT INFO TXT Installation ------------ 1. Copy the OOAHELP.HLP file to a the \windows directory (or any directory in your path). Copy the OOA.EXE file to any directory. 2. Start windows, assign ooa.exe to a program group by choosing the menu: FILE, NEW, , , That's all! You can now click on OO-Tool's icon to run the program. If you are upgrading: you don't need perform the step 2 (but you can...). Select HELP via menu in the OO Tool for an introduction, and other information. Register! --------- The tool is distributed as shareware, i.e. you may copy the software to other users as long you do not modify it, or requiring any fee. You may freely evaluate the tool during 4 weeks. After the period you must register the tool or remove it from your system. The registration fee is symbolic! - $0 for students using the tool for non-commercial education - $50 for home users - $150 for commercial use (covers 5 licenses) The future of the tool is depending on my enthusiasm and your support. Let me know if you love or hate the tool. And what you need in the future releases. Roman Zielinski (the author)