Windows 3.1 Palette Test 0.10.010 Stuart Wyatt Chrisalan Designs, Inc. 815 Lambert St. Wenatchee, WA 98801 Voice (509) 663-7770 FAX (509) 662-5948 CIS 73770,735 All source and executable files related to Windows Palette Test from Chrisalan Designs, Inc. are to be used for the sole purpose of diagnostics of S3 86C911 based video cards. This product is for internal diagnostic use only and may not be modified, distributed, or used for any other purpose without the prior written permission of Chrisalan Designs, Inc. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION -------------------- This program only works with 256 color drivers, and has been tested on S3, Video 7, Genoa, and ATi boards. If you are testing an S3 86C911 based card, set the resolution and vertical rate to the highest possible, 1024 x 768 72Hz. If you are going to have problems, this will make them show up more quickly. EXERCISING THE PALETTE ---------------------- To exercise the palette, the problem can be set in an automatic cycling mode by selecting Cycle Slow, Medium, or Fast. This will start rotating through the colors and palette sizes currently selected. Be sure to select at least Random, or Gray and Color for the colors in order to force palette changes. TRAPPING PALETTE CORRUPTION --------------------------- To trap palette corruptions, select Driver from the Trap menu, then make sure AutoFix on the Trap menu is not checked. This will make the program monitor system palette changes and check to see if they were programmed properly. If not, it will place a report in the clipboard and indicate that it has done so. To save the report, run notepad and select Edit, Paste, then select File, Save As. The trap may occur in several seconds or several hours. Please upload trap reports to Chrisalan Designs at CIS:73770,735. GENERATING A TRAP TEST REPORT ----------------------------- To generate a test report, select Driver from the Trap menu, and then Test from the Trap menu. You must be in Still mode for the choice to be available. AUTOFIXING PALETTE CORRUPTION ----------------------------- To skip the Trap report and just correct the palette, Check off AutoFix on the Trap menu, and Select Driver on the Trap menu. This will reprogram the palette when it becomes corrupt, and will count the number of times this has been done in the Title bar. A small flicker on the screen may be seen just before the palette is corrected. This is the corrupt palette. KNOWN PROBLEMS -------------- Ocassionally in Cycle Fast mode, the program will appear unresponsive. This occurs because the program is trying to go as fast as possible. If this happens, you can Ctrl-Alt-Del to kill the program. Be sure to first try using the menu to put it in still mode, Ctrl-M to slow down to medium speed, or click on the window to put it in still mode. When a screen saver is active (full screen), PALS is not informed of palette changes and, therefore, does not correct or trap them. However, if the screen saver triggers a palette corruption and you exit the screen saver, PALS will then see the corruption.