Date Version Comments ---- ------- -------- 12/25/91 0.0 First executable version produced ... 0.4 Split Copy command into Read and Write 0.5 Added format while writing 0.6 Added Format command 0.7 Replace ROMBIOS calls with IOCTL calls 0.8 Added Compare command 0.9 Re-wrote help file. 1.0 Alpha version 03/06/91 1.1 Fixed problem with high density formats Fixed problem with text resource Shareware release 03/31/91 1.2 Context sensitive help Improved default handling Made menu items consistent (system/regular) Support for formatting bootable diskettes 06/11/91 1.3 Eliminated DOS diskette access problem Eliminated flicker during processing Fixed problem with cancelling compares Help file revisions Menu processing improved Registration key processing changed Replaced diskette buttons with pictures Support for more than two diskette drives 11/24/91 1.4 Ability to read/compare/write only allocated cylinders Ability to save/restore diskette images Accelerator keys implemented Configure command renamed to Setup Corrected handling of removable devices that do not support IOCTL Exit confirmation option Flash option Frees Help File Percent complete in status messages Quick format option Reduces CPU time spent while waiting for work Saves information at Windows shutdown Shadowed Icon now used when dragged Sized to work with vga fonts in 1024x768 Sound option Support for 2880KB diskettes Verify option 02/01/92 1.5 Button types corrected Corrected trucation cylinder calculation Start of format speeded up