The enclosed files comprise the initial release of the WinBatch Network Command Extenders. They add a number of new network commands to the basic WinBatch command set. These commands can also be added to our Command Post and File Commander products. The added commands are: NetMapRoot("DriveLetter","Path") NetMsgAll("ServerName","Message") NetMsgSend("ServerName","UserName","Message") NetLogin("ServerName","UserName","Password") NetLogout("ServerName") NetMemberGet("Servername","GroupName") NetMemberSet("ServerName","GroupName") NetAttach("ServerName") NetDetach("ServerName") These commands, and the built in network commands are all documented in the file NETWORK.TXT To enable these commands copy the files into a directory mentioned in the DOS PATH statement and then do the following: WinBatch Version 3.0 and previous - Cannot connect to these commands Version 3.1 Add to the WWW-PROD.INI file [WinBatch] Section CMDEXTDLL=WWWDNETX.DLL Version 3.2 and later ** AUTOMATIC * Below is the default activity In the WWWBATCH.INI file [Main] Section CMDEXTDLL=WWWDNETX.DLL Command Post Version 7.0 and older - Cannot connect to these commands Version 7.1 and 7.2 Add to the WWW-PROD.INI file (up to 7.5 - unreleased) [CmdPost] Section CMDEXTDLL=WWWDNETX.DLL Version 7.5 (unreleased) or later In the WWWBATCH.INI file [Main] Section CMDEXTDLL=WWWDNETX.DLL File Commander All Versions * AUTOMATIC * Below is the default activity In the WWWBATCH.INI file [Main] Section CMDEXTDLL=WWWDNETX.DLL * * * Also enclosed is the @NETTEST.WBT file. This file will attempt a number of network commands, produce a report (NETRSLT.TXT) and determine what commands may be supported by your network. Please run the WBT file with WinBatch and forward a copy of the report to us. The top couple of lines of the report will give the addresses, Compuserve ID's or BBS numbers. If we can get these reports back from a lot of people, we can improve support for all networks. The test WBT file is kind of generic. You can modify it so that, for example, the NetAttach commands really attaches to a server, instead of failing on a non-existant server. We would like to know of your experiences in these matters too. You may find it necessary to comment out some commands totally unsupported by your system Morrie Wilson (206) 938-1743 * * * * * * * * * Portions of this package, namely the following files: NWCORE.DLL NWCONN.DLL NWMISC.DLL are Copyrighted by Novell, Inc. and are distributed under a special licensing agreement.