1st Alert 1.10 Registration Forms/Invoices Copyright (C) 1995 by Fineware Systems and Al Meadows All Rights Reserved Basic Pricing: 1st Alert $10.95 plus $2 shipping & Handling $4 International Ordering Methods: There are a number of ways to order the registered Version of 1st Alert. Please be sure that you are using the CORRECT order form. ================================================================= You can order via Phone, fax or e-mail using Visa/MasterCard/American Express. Be sure to include your card nuber, expiration date, name as it appears on the card and the billing address. Please include the approriate price and product name. Orders: (800) 544-1740 Fax Orders: (405) 942-7819 Email to: Al Meadows/Fineware Systems: CompuServe at 70650,2022 Prodigy at BBTK05A America Online at VB AL Internet at fineware@icon.net ================================================================= You can order via CompuServe's Software Registration Service: enter GO SWREG at the ! prompt and follow the menus. 1st Alert's registration id is 6144. ================================================================= You may also place your order by phone or fax by calling Public Software Library. See PsL order form located within this document. ================================================================= Site License (ver 1.00) You can order a site license for 1st Alert. A Site License entitles you to make copies of an original diskette up to the limits of your site license and distribute them within your organization. You may not distribute copies outside of your company. 1st Alert Name:_____________________________________ Company:__________________________________ Street:___________________________________ Street:___________________________________ City:_____________________________________ State:________________________ZIP:________ Country:__________________________________ Telephone Number:_________________________ Credit Card Type:__VISA__MasterCard__AMEX_(Circle ONLY One) Credit Card Number:_______________________ Expiration Date:__________________________ Signature:________________________________ Unless otherwise requested we ship a 3.5" HD disk) Rate Schedule 1st Alert 2 to 10 copies $10.95 + Quantity over 1 at $6.00 each 10 or more $64.95 + Quantity over 10 at $4.00 each Note: If you wish Fineware to provide individual installation diskettes, please add $1.50 per unit over 1 ordered. Space Hound PRO Qty______ Extended_______ Oklahoma residents add 8.375% sales tax _______ Shipping/Handling - US or Canada $ Free _______ Shipping/Handling - Outside of US/Canada $ Free _______ Total in US Funds drawn on a US Bank _______ Make checks payable to: Fineware Systems Mail to: Fineware Systems P.O. Box 75776 Oklahoma City, Ok. 73147 By the way, where did you initially learn of 1st Alert: _____________________________