Bill Reminder V2.0 ------------------ The Bill Reminder is a utility for reminding you when Bills are due. This is a useful tool for allowing you to hold on to your money for as long as you can and effectively managing what you need to keep in your checkings account. This program requires Microsoft Windows. Setup ----- billprg.exe is a self extracting archive and should contain the following: bill.exe billrem.hlp readme.txt install.exe inwin.inf inwin.squ The program bill.exe can be installed anywhere. In the directory where it is installed, it will open a file called billyyy.dat that contains all the billing information. If the bill.exe file is moved at a later time to a different directory, this file should be moved as well. If you are a user of V1.0 of Bill Reminder, the billxxx.dat file will be converted into billyyy.dat. NOTE: In order for the conversion from V1 to V2 to work, bill.exe should be installed in the same directory as the V1 version. For information about usage of Bill Reminder, please consult the online help. Registration ------------ This a demonstration version of Bill Reminder. The author encourages you to try the program out and distribute it freely along with all the contents. If you find it useful, please register it. This can be done as follows: Send $12.00 to: Clester, Not Chester Inc. P.O. Box 351 Glenwood, Il 60425 This is one bill that the author hopes gets paid on time.