YOUR EGO AND YOUR BUSINESS Having your own business is one of the best ego builders anyone could ever have. The feeling of freedom itself is enough to make even the most downtrodden, browbeaten worker want to leap for joy. A well thought out business plan carried out diligently and then turned into a success goes a long way in repairing much damage done to our personalities by others. An ego is fine, everyone has one, and an ego is necessary, to some extent, it gives us self-worth, but it must be kept in its proper place. An over exaggerated ego can ruin a business before it even gets started! Let's look at a hypothetical example: A capitalist (investor who has money to fund a new business) may back away from a prospective deal if the entrepreneur ushers him into a flashy office with all the trimmings! Why? Because the investor recognizes that the entrepreneur may not be managing their money prudently! Even though you want to impress your customers with your products and services, remember, the investor is looking for someone who will use their money wisely, not frivolously. Priorities must be set to maintain a proper spending balance. A successful entrepreneur has a strong sense of priorities. A person with a strong sense of priorities knows that funds are limited and will spend carefully and as productively as possible. Satisfaction will come to a person like this in the form of business success, not from flashy surroundings. There is nothing wrong with having nice surroundings and possessions but they must come when the profits will allow for them. Possessions must not be a priority when establishing a business, they must become a benefit of a successful business. If the entrepreneur maintains this attitude, the business will succeed, and not suffer. A classic success story of a man who started a business in humble surroundings and then went on to greater and more comfortable accommodations is that of Steve Jobs. Steve started a computer business in his garage. What was the result of Steve setting his priorities and then sticking to them? Apple Computer! So, the moral of this story is: Keep your eye simple, and set priorities! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= <<<<< End of File >>>>>