List of changes in english.lne from version 1.2 to 1.3 (for 1.12 to 1.2 see below): - 1. line must contain "WMM 1.3" (without quotations, no additional spaces!) - to the first error message, add: -bad .QWK file - message going "ERROR running (un)compressing program:" now goes "WMM used command:" (and continues in the last of new messages) - new error messages, added after the old ones: "There are too many messages in conference " "Please use Conference||killed and Base|Clean Up commands to remove some old messages. Until you do so, you won't be able to see some of the last messages." "" "Unable to make a filename out of group description. Please change description and try again." "Do you really want to delete this group?" "Invalid group name. TO field must contain valid personal or group name." "Can not find fidonet address." " does not exist." "Invalid date format. Must be MM-DD-YY" "ERROR renaming message base:" "to run (de)compression program, when the following error occured:" - window "Addresses Options" changes to "Groups Options" - new window title (added after the old ones) Rename Message Base - In File menu, after Bulletins, comes &Remarks - in Base menu, after Clean Up comes &Rename... - in conference menu, Add/Droup should have "..." at the end - in options menu, Addresses changes to Grou&ps... - &Wellcome in File menu changes to &Welcome - after all menus, toolbar help tips come: previous msg next msg next unread conf next unread msg next to all previous with same subj next with same subj reply edit enter msg msg is kept msg is killed conversion is on conversion is off selected font used terminal font used - line containing "counting from" can be empty - lines &first message &last message are changed to: &first &last - line (followed by add ->, remove, clear...) Fidonet &address: changes to &Fidonet address: - at the end, new labels etc. are: Mark messages from &you as read Column width in message &index: A&uto detect PRIVATE PUBLIC File that contains BBS users and &their fidonet addresses: &Look for address If reply is not in the same conference as original message, add: &Personal &Group: <- &Create &Delete group <- Rena&me Grou&p name: by &number by &date &before &after f&irst la&st Mark (by date) But all messages dated (mm-dd-yy) don't mark messages in every conference Don't mark messages from you Don't mark messages to you DISK SPACE OCCUPIED Current name: Original name: &New name: (8 characters maximum) &Rename Assume messages are &private Cl&ear E&xclude conferences: Display toolbar &help after seconds. - hope thats all! ********************************************************************** List of changes in english.lne from version 1.12 to 1.2 : - 5 error messages added: "WMM can not get fidonet address from this message. Author of this message was NOT added to address list." "'s address was updated." "was added to address list." "Do you want to use reply conversion on the reply you have just written?" "You can not add or drop conference, while writing a reply!" - 4 window titles added: Addresses Options Colors Options Aditional Replies Options Conference Selection - new menu command (Conference menu) &Add / Drop - new menu commands (Message menu) Add to A&ddress list &Use ANSI Viewer - new menu commands (Options menu) &Addresses... C&olors... - new labels (added at the end of file) - pay attention to an empty line! (it is my mistake, - but it HAS to be there) Fidonet &address: &Add -> &Update &Remove &Clear Cancel Replacemen&t list: OK Person's &name: Fidonet &address: Default &conference: Adderss &list: Sample messages: Colors: &Default Cancel OK This is normal message This is personal message This is message to ALL Author of this message is on your twit list This is buletin text Set color for &Background &Text &More... &Header for forwarded messages: &First line of splitted reply: &Last line of splitted reply: Use CTRL-ENTER for new line! Press F1 for help! Variables: %f...from field field %s...subject %c...conference name %tm...time (there refere to forwarded message) %m...your name &Default Cancel OK A&dd -> Re&move C&lear Message conversion: Reply conversion: Ask &before using reply conversion &Add &Drop Other &ANSI &Viewer: &Use ANSI Viever Variables: %...file name %%...% sign - lines that used to contain the text below are no longer used. - BUT! they have to be there (empty, or just any text) -&> &<- &Reply &Unread -> &Subject -> &Enter message <- S&ame Ski&pp &To: All -> - also line just at the end of the old file &Edit - text starting with "Here you can set how ..." - is changed Here you can set how characters are converted. See help for more information. - text strating with "With F6 key you can ..." - is changed With F6 key you can turn message conversion ON and OFF. - that's all folks! I hope I did not left out anything!