Phone Number List Details (node.txt) Note: V.FC-28.8K modem owners. In most cases if you are calling our US or Canada Toll Free number you will not be able to run your modem at speeds over 19200. Please see note at bottom. Use this list to select the phone number to access the WinNET server. Options: - U.S. Toll Free For all modem customers in the United States except for those in the Louisville, Kentucky, local calling area. The phone number used is 1-800-800-1482. Toll Free access includes Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Jamaica. All modem speeds: 1200, 2400, 9600, 14.4K, and 28.8K are supported. See note at bottom regarding 28.8K V.FC modems. - U.S. Toll Free ISDN For ISDN, 64KB, calls. The number used is 1-800-235-3031. - Canada Toll Free For all customers in Canada for all modem speeds. The phone number used is 1-800-284-6599. See note at bottom regarding 28.8K V.FC modems. - Louisville, KY, Local Area For customers in the Lousiville, KY, local calling area. The phone number used is 589-4131. - Louisville, KY, Local Area ISDN For ISDN phone customers in the Lousiville, KY, local calling area. The phone number used is 589-0200. - Long Distance Direct Dial For customers outside of the United States or for anyone in the US wishing to dial by long distance. The phone number included here is 1-502-589-4131. For customers calling outside of the US, you may need to use a US country code or other prefix digits. The 1 that begins this number is a dialing code used in North America to place a long distance call. You may need to alter this number a little on the Communications Parameters screen to place a call from your country. The US Area Code (city code) and phone number is: (502) 589-4131. - Long Distance Direct Dial ISDN For ISDN Customers outside the US or those wanting to dial by long distance. The phone number included here is 1-502-589-0200. A Note about V.FC-28.8 Modems. Prior to the adoption of the current V.34 28.8K speed modem standard there existed an industry created temporary standard for 28.8K BPS modems called V.FC. Many modem manufacturers adopted this standard. Rockwell International makes the basic chips that go into most manufacturer's modems. Their V.FC chips have a bug in them that causes problems when trying to connect to our service over the Toll Free 800 number lines. These lines are exceptionally noise free and this just happens to trip this bug. The effect is that these modems when trying to connect at 28.8K will not connect at all. This problem can be avoided by setting WinNET's interface speed to 19200. This will prevent the V.FC modem from trying to connect at the higher speed. The result will be a stable 14.4K connection. Most modem manufacturers have a program to upgrade V.FC 28.8K modems to V.34 28.8K modems. If you have a V.FC we strongly recommend that you contact the modem manufacturer and get the upgrade. The largest modem manufacturer that doesn't use the Rockwell chip set is US Robotics. Rockwell does make the chipset for Hayes, Boca, Zoom, and many other modem brands.