2.0 INSTALLING AND UNINSTALLING Installation is easy. Basically, it is just copying files from your distribution disk. We have provided a simple batch file to do this - "INSTALL.BAT". If you're running Windows, you also have to set up a few icons. 2.1 Now to install.... ---------------------------------------------------------- Installation is a three-step process. You have to run two batch files (Install.Bat and CopyFilz.Bat, in order), and then add five "new program items" to Windows. ---------------------------------------------------------- We assume your diskette drive is A:, and you want to install to your C: hard disk, and to a directory BLUEBOOK. You are strongly recommended to use this setup as it will save you having to alter Windows PIF files, documentation, etc; but if you choose not to, modify the following command as necessary. ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Insert the distribution diskette into your diskette drive and enter the command - a:\install a: c:\bluebook You can enter this command at the DOS prompt, or from Windows. If you are in Windows, click File, then Run, and type it there; then click OK. ------------------------------------------------------ This command directs your computer to run the batch program "install" on the diskette drive A:, and copy files to C:\BLUEBOOK. If, on the other hand, your diskette drive is B:, and you want to install to a directory BLUE on drive D:, you would instead type - b:\install b: d:\blue ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ If you should need to install manually for any reason, all this batch file is doing is: (1) creating, if necessary, the directory you gave it ("c:\bluebook"), then (2) copying all the files in the diskette's root directory to it. ------------------------------------------------------ 2. If you will be running BlueBook directly from DOS at any time, then for smooth operation you should, AFTER installation, do ONE of the following to ensure that BlueBook can always find its components. We recommend the former. (If you will only ever be running from a Windows icon, this step can probably be omitted). EITHER... (A) copy or move, to a directory listed in the PATH statement of your AutoExec.Bat file, the files BBMain.Exe BBIni.Exe BBView.Com BBZipBak.Bat BBZip.Bat BBPull.Bat BlueBook.Hlp BlueBook.Doc AskUser.Exe (See below, after B) OR... (B) use a text editor (NOT a word-processor) to edit AutoExec.Bat, and add to the END of the PATH line a semi-colon plus your chosen installation directory (";c:\bluebook"), if that directory is not ALREADY listed. Then save the file, and re-start your computer. (A PATH statement has a maximum length of 127 characters; don't forget to back up AutoExec.Bat before modifying it!) ------------------------------------------------------ If you choose (A), a batch program, "COPYFILZ.BAT", has been provided to do the job for you. Decide where you want to copy or move these files to (you can check your path by typing "path " at the DOS prompt), and then run it. At the prompt, or in the Windows File/Run box, type: \copyfilz where is the directory you installed to, and is where you want the files to go. For example, if you installed to "c:\bluebook" and you want to copy to "c:\utils", then enter - c:\bluebook\copyfilz c:\bluebook c:\utils ------------------------------------------------------ 3. That's it, you're installed -- except for Windows. To set up BlueBook under Windows you need to: (1) make a new program GROUP (or select an existing one) (2) create five new PROGRAM ITEMS (one for BlueBook, and one each for its companion programs, the utilities BBReset, BBRestor, BBTrim and BBIni). (3) tell these to use the relevant icons and PIF files provided. If you chose to install somewhere other than C:\BLUEBOOK, you must update the new and re- installed PIF files to "point" at that directory. If installing for the first time, you should also associate (in File Manager) the file types BBL, BBI and BBD with BLUEBOOK.EXE, to enable point and click launching from there. --------------------------------------------------- If you need help installing a program into Windows, need advice on PIF files, or don't know how to "associate", there's a very full, click-by-click guide in the file "WinSetup.Doc". --------------------------------------------------- (SHORT OF DESKTOP? You CAN skip installing the utilities. They can all be run from DOS, or even from a BlueBook database record (taking care to avoid clashes with already open databases). --------------------------------------------------- 2.2 Miscellaneous points: It is possible to run BlueBook direct from a diskette or CD, with provisos: see section 4, "Running the Program". Beware of changing diskettes while a database is still open! To uninstall, just delete the files relating to BlueBook in the installation directory you chose, and any databases you have created.