4.0 RUNNING THE PROGRAM 4.1 Three ways... UNDER DOS: Type "BlueBook", and hit . But read sections 3.3 and 4.2 first. UNDER WINDOWS: If BlueBook isn't installed into Windows, click File in Program Manager, then Run, and type "BLUEBOOK.EXE" where is your installation directory and a "\" (eg, "C:\BLUEBOOK\", "A:\", etc). If you have any problems, see section 3.3, and also 4.2. If BlueBook IS installed, just double-click its icon in Program Manager. FROM A CD: You can run from a CD, so long as the CD directory that contains the BlueBook program files is your current directory. But you MUST specify a database on a WRITEABLE drive at start-up -- see 4.2, below. If you don't, BlueBook will attempt to open a default database on the CD (as the current directory) and generate a fatal error. (Why not run off the CD with some other current directory? Answer: If you do, BlueBook.Exe won't be able to find BBMain.Exe unless the CD directory has been added to your PATH statement ... NOT recommended.) All in all, it's best to install! (See section 3.3, "BlueBook.Exe and BBMain.Exe".) (See also next section) 4.2 Supplying a start-up database You can tell the program what database to open at start-up with a "database name" parameter on the DOS command line, or the Windows File/Run line, eg BlueBook C:\Business\Contacts meaning the CONTACTS database in C:\BUSINESS. A file extension (eg, "Contacts.BBD") is NOT required. The database can be new or old. If you omit it, BlueBook will open a default database, itself called BlueBook, in the current directory. 4.3 AutoGet: the /A parameter As the program is opening a database, it will by default retrieve all records with today's date and present these to you initially, via the List screen. If it finds none, it will list ALL records. If you do not want this "AutoGet" feature, add /A to the command line or the PIF parameters, eg: BlueBook C:\Business\Contacts /a ---------------------------------------------------------- There are alternate uses for the /A parameter: "/A:" (eg, /A:42) forces BlueBook to jump straight to the specified record when opening a database. You can also enter a record range to be retrieved, eg: "/A:42-250". And "/ALL" overrides the automatic GET TODAY'S RECORDS that BlueBook does when opening a database (doing a GET ALL records only if there are none for the current date). "/ALL" forces a GET ALL, regardless. ---------------------------------------------------------- 4.4 Date Format: the /D parameter Dates can be handled in two formats, British (dd/mm/yyyy), and American (mm/dd/yyyy). The default is British. You can change this "permanently" by setting "DateStyle=US" in the BLUEBOOK.INI file, instead of "UK" (using BBIni.Exe, which will create the INI file). If you wish to override this INI setting TEMPORARILY, add a "/D" to the command line, eg: BlueBook C:\Business\Contacts /d The alternate format will be used instead, this once.