5.5 Retrieval - Search, Get, and Replace You have two basic methods of retrieval, GET and SEARCH. Neither is case-sensitive: capitals and lower case can be freely mixed. These commands can be accessed from the Main screen via their own individual buttons, or from the List screen via the 'Find recs' button. FIND also includes a search-and-replace command which can be used to locate and update, or simply locate, ANY text string - not just keywords. (NOT IN FREEWARE VERSION) 5.5.1 Search Overview -------- You can search a database for KEYWORDS appearing in the Key line, or elsewhere. Click Search and enter your chosen keyword(s) - up to eight per "query". Search will generate a List of all records containing the keywords you entered (assuming there are some). If a new List is generated, it replaces the old and the List screen is automatically brought up. If there are no "hits", you are notified by a beep and (on the Main screen only) a "No matching entries located" message at lower left of screen. A keyword - for the purposes of Search query input - is defined as any string of typeable characters EXCEPT a space. These are matched against words in the database, defined as any string of typeable characters DELIMITED by spaces (or end-of-field, of course). To generate a hit, only the characters you actually enter have to match. For example, if a record contains the words "President Kennedy - JFK", then "Pres", "PRESI", "Kenn", "KeNNedy", "JF" and "-" will all find it. ("ident", or "FK", will not. ) ---------------------------------------------------------- However, as a format-friendly measure, to improve the odds of a "hit", records IN THE DATABASE are edited as they are being searched, just before comparison, to blank out (temporarily) a total of 16 `nuisance' characters, ie: (){}[]<>`'",/=* and ; Note that the keywords YOU enter are NOT adjusted. (This feature can be turned off by setting EXCLUDE=NO in the BLUEBOOK.INI file, either manually or via BBIni.Exe) ---------------------------------------------------------- Example: Suppose you have a record with this key - "2001,a Space Odyssey" [MOVIE--rated G] < to check/uncheck. ---------------------------------------------------------- Recalling Queries (NOT IN FREEWARE VERSION) ----------------- You can recall up to 16 previous queries round-robin style and either re-run them, or adapt them as required. Note that range and scope settings are also recalled, not just keywords: don't forget to adjust these if required before starting a Search. Click Recall or type R. Using Pick Lists (NOT IN FREEWARE VERSION) ---------------- You don't have to guess what words to search for. The "pickLists" command on the List screen allows you to compile lists of words in the database, or various parts of it - the KEY line, TOPIC line, BOTH of these, or GLOBAL (entire record/database). And you can use these in the Search panel to construct queries. ---------------------------------------------------------- Pick lists are simply lists of possible keywords sorted into alphabetical order (or ASCII sequence to be precise). They are stored separately from the actual database, in associated files that have the same name and reside in the same directory, but which have extensions of .PLK, .PLT, .PLB, and .PLG, depending on the part of the database they list. So a database called COOKBOOK would consist of 3 files COOKBOOK.BBL, COOKBOOK.BBI and COOKBOOK.BBD, but could also have pick list files COOKBOOK.PLK, etc. ---------------------------------------------------------- Pick lists can be regenerated (refreshed) at any time. To use them to construct a query, click "picK lists" in the Search panel or type K. A floating panel pops up listing the four files by name, or as "not available" (because you haven't compiled it yet). Click the button for the list you want to use, or type K/T/B/G. The list comes up (name and number of words at top). At this point, there is internal help always available, so we won't repeat it here - just click Help or type H. The basic idea is: page through, select a word by highlighting it, then click the line on the Keyword panel you want to load it into. (Any existing word in that line is overwritten.) You can "undo" in the same way, by clicking a Keyword line that matches the highlighted pick list entry. You don't have to laboriously page through each time. You can click 'Find' and enter a character or two (up to 16) to jump directly to that point in the pick file. Keywords can be loaded in from any pick list, even if you plan to search other parts of the database. Obviously, if the relevant pick list is used (and is relatively up to date), then the chances of a hit are improved. Performance ----------- On an uncached 33MHz 386-SX, searching only the Key line, BlueBook will process over 1000 records per second.