5.6 Joining records BlueBook allows you to link records within a database via hypertext-like "joins" (up to eight per record). This lets you impose a logical structure on your data, making it self-referencing, and thus rather more than a simple list. A join also lets you jump instantly to a related record regardless of whether it is on the current List or not. You can join any two records, provided both have at least one free "slot". How? Pick one and make it the current record (ie, bring it up on the Main screen). Click the Join button on the Main screen (it will stay depressed, indicating that you are in joining mode). Then get the other record onto the List if it isn't there already -- use Get or Search to bring it up if you have to. Now click the List button to display the List. Find and highlight in white the other record. Click the large Join button showing on the List screen. That's it. Unless you have made an error, the two records are joined. An error? Well, you can't join a record to itself, or the same two records twice, and you may find that the target record is already fully joined (no free slots). In each case you are "beeped". When a join is successfully completed, the Main screen returns automatically, its Join button released. Otherwise the button stays depressed (with most functions disabled apart from Get, Search and List) until you click it again to release it, thereby switching out of join mode. Joins are displayed in a sub-panel on the Main screen, under the record itself. They can be severed as easily as created. Just highlight them in white -- click once, or Tab through the set -- and then click the Break button (or type B) twice, for confirmation. ---------------------------------------------------------- If you need to see more than the Key line of the record to be joined (as displayed on the List), you can jump to it, see it in full, then return to the List display to do the actual joining (or continue looking). There's no button to do this jump: just type U (for jUmp), and click List/type L when you want to return from the Main screen to the List display. ---------------------------------------------------------- 5.7 Jumping between records, and retracing your steps You "jump" between records on the List as outlined in section 5.3. Jumping between JOINED records is done via the Joins panel, but otherwise it is the same. ---------------------------------------------------------- BlueBook remembers your last 256 jumps, and can backtrack through them. Just type Ctrl+U (^U) at the Main screen as often as you need to. ----------------------------------------------------------