5.8 Adding and editing records - Add and Mod commands New databases are empty when opened. If empty when closed, they are automatically deleted. ---------------------------------------------------------- To add a record, click Add or type A on the Main screen. ---------------------------------------------------------- Records are also empty when added. You need to MODify them. Click Mod or type M to start editing. To quit editing, click anywhere off the main record panel, or hit F2. The record is updated. To cancel changes, hit Esc. Empty records are NOT automatically deleted. BlueBook has a simple but adequate built-in editor, controlled by standard keystroke commands. By default, when Modding, the cursor moves in a fixed cycle from field to field (line to line). Click near any line to override this. The default sequence is: Group/Topic, to Key, to Date, to Notes 1 -> 4, to supplementary fields 1 -> 3, and back to Group. To go forward in this sequence, use Tab, the down-arrow key, or . To reverse, use the up-arrow key or Shift+Tab. ---------------------------------------------------------- The sequence can be altered by setting options in the BLUEBOOK.INI file, either manually, using any text editor but NOT wordprocessor, or by running BBIni.Exe. By changing the relevant line in the BLUEBOOK.INI file, you can control which field the cursor starts at when you enter edit mode by clicking Mod. Another option is whether insert mode is initially set ON or OFF when you first click Mod - after that, the cursor remembers its last status. See BBIni.Doc for details of the BLUEBOOK.INI file. ---------------------------------------------------------- WITHIN the four Note lines, forces a line break. You can also BackSpace from the start of a Note line. This takes you to the end of the one before, AND shifts the text on the line you are leaving to the end of the one you are going back to. This lets you juggle text quite easily. ---------------------------------------------------------- VERY IMPORTANT: When text is pulled up one Note line like this, some of it may seem to be lost off the end of the line. Not so. It IS still there, even though it may not all be visible. ALL lines have a 255 character "buffer" to hold text "pushed off the end", which allows it to be retrieved. This buffer is normally cleared when you move to another line - but in the Note part of a record, only when you leave those four lines. In other words, you can push text off the end of any line and still recover it by backspacing UNTIL you move to another line (to a maximum of 255 characters). In this respect, the four Note lines in each record count as one. ---------------------------------------------------------- A thin cursor indicates insert mode ON; thick means insert mode OFF (overtype). Use the Ins key to toggle this. Move the cursor with the Home, End, and left/right arrow keys. The Del key removes the character above the cursor, and BackSpace removes the one to the left (except in position 1 of a Note line, as described above). 5.9 Extra editor commands ---------------------------------------------------------- In what follows the ^ character means "hold down the Ctrl key and press the character after it". ---------------------------------------------------------- ^-> (RightArrow key) Skip cursor to start of next word ^<- (LeftArrow key) " " " " " previous " ^T Delete all text from current cursor position to start of next word (or end of line, if no next word) ^Y Delete all text from current cursor position to end of line 5.9.1 The Edit Buffer (NOT IN FREEWARE VERSION) From time to time you will need to cut, copy or "drag'n'drop" small bits of text. BlueBook supports a line buffer (one line's worth of storage) to do this. Any text in this Edit Buffer is shown immediately above the record panel or List display in "" marks, and remains in the buffer until it is cleared or you eXit BlueBook. If there is no text in the buffer, nothing shows. The Edit Buffer is controlled with the function keys F6 thru F10, and it works like this - ---------------------------------------------------------- Get into edit mode; move cursor to line with required text; move cursor to required START position. Hit F7. Text is loaded into buffer and displayed near the top of the screen. Now move cursor to required END position (on the same line). Hit F8. Text in buffer is truncated: it now holds everything BETWEEN those two points on the source line. (NB: END must come after START.) If you want to CUT (delete) the selected block, hit F9 now. If you want to PASTE (copy) the block, get into edit mode in the right place and position cursor at insert point. Hit F10. To clear the buffer, hit F6. ----------------------------------------------------------