7.3 Switching to another database, or creating a new one To change databases from within BlueBook, click File. This brings up a floating panel with four options: Next, Backup, Text, and Erase. Click Next, and type the PATH and NAME (no file extension) of the database you want to switch to, or create. The current database is closed. If the path is valid, the next one will be opened. If not, BlueBook defaults. Example: C:\Docs\Letters {go to "Letters" in "Docs"} ---------------------------------------------------------- Note: For technical reasons [memory, and the need to keep some "slack"], File/Next as presently implemented does NOT recognise zip-compressed databases. If you are using zip compression you should avoid using File/Next and set up a "metabase" instead (see Section 7.7), accessing compressed databases from a "higher level" record via BBZip.Bat (rather than running BlueBook.Exe directly) - see "Zipping.Doc" for details on BBZip/BBPull. ---------------------------------------------------------- 7.4 Integrated backup You can back up the currently open database from within BlueBook. Click File/Backup, and enter the DESTINATION drive and directory. The backup file(s) get the same name as the database, so DON'T enter a file name: just a path. Make sure you choose a DIFFERENT directory (because the file names are the same). Example: C:\Docs { cf. example above } If you have PKZip/PkUnZip.Exe in your Path, you can choose to have backups zip-compressed. Zipped backups are given the extension ".ZBK", eg. "Letters.ZBK". ---------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: For technical reasons, when creating a zipped backup, BlueBook does not run PKZip directly. Instead it runs a DOS batch file (BBZIPBAK.BAT) which it must be able to locate, either in the current directory or your PATH. ---------------------------------------------------------- If you don't have these programs to hand, or you choose UNcompressed, File/Backup does a straight DOS copy to the destination directory - no renaming. ---------------------------------------------------------- Note - ".ZBK" compressed backups are logically "different" from the ".ZIP" compressed databases that BBZip.Bat makes. In reality, not: only the extension is different. But it makes life easier if you treat them as different, and keep ".ZBK" backups purely as backups. Just a tip. ---------------------------------------------------------- 7.5 Making and printing database listings This version of BlueBook offers basic listing functions only, in one of two fixed formats: either optimised for least size, greatest readability; or for constant field positioning. In the first case, all fields are output unless empty, including joins (nul fields are suppressed). In the second case, ALL fields are output, empty or not. The first case is the default. To toggle constant field positioning ON, set CompactListings=NO in the BlueBook.Ini file. Output is plain ASCII text, sent to printer or disk. To create listings of the current database, click File/Text. A floating window appears, with buttons to Make, View, Print, and Erase. MAKE generates a file on disk of either the current item List or the whole database. When asked, click Item or Full. Listings go to the same directory as the database, as a file with the same name but an extension of ".LST". New "makes" overwrite old for any one database. VIEW uses BBView.Com to display a listing for the current database on disk [file ".Lst"]. PRINT is the same as MAKE, except that the listing is sent to the printer (device PRN:), not the disk. ERASE deletes any listing file for the current database. ---------------------------------------------------------- TIP: If you want prettier listings, use Export to create a comma-delimited file of data (NOT IN FREEWARE VERSION), and use a word-processor to import, format and print that. (You'll probably need to check "Include Field Names?".) TIP: The "ListingMargin" line in the BLUEBOOK.INI file can be adjusted to force a margin (default: 4 spaces). ---------------------------------------------------------- 7.6 Copying, Renaming and Erasing databases There are no built-in commands to copy or rename a database. You can copy a database to another directory with File/Backup, or use the DOS commands on the THREE files in a common directory with a shared name that make up a database. For example: COPY C:\BLUEBOOK\TODO.BB* C:\MYDATA REN C:\BLUEBOOK\TODO.BB* 2BDONE.BB* You CAN erase a database from within BlueBook, using File/Erase. Don't confuse this with File/Text/Erase, which deletes a LISTING file ("