DropTrash by David C. Elliott DropTrash is meant to be used with Dropper or a toolbar that can accept files dropped from a file manager. Unlike most trash cans, DropTrash does not run all the time, so you can't use it without some kind of toolbar or Dropper. Files dropped on the icon are deleted. This version does not save the files off anywhere, so BE CAREFUL! If no files are given, an About box is displayed. If the control key is held down when the program starts, or if the first argument is -i, -I, /i, or /I, the program runs in an interactive mode. The current interactive mode just prompts you for each file. Answering Yes will delete the file, No will leave it alone, and Cancel quits the program, leaving the other files alone. DropTrash can now delete directories and will notify file managers (at least those that behave like the Windows File Manager) that there has been a change. Some people have noticed that DropTrash doesn't delete all of the files if the list is long. Sadly, there is nothing I can do about this, as it is a side-effect of either Windows or Dropper (I suspect Windows), and not an aspect of DropTrash. Sorry. DropTrash is Copyright 1993 by David C. Elliott. It is freeware and source is included. If you have any suggestions for improving it (especially if you want to make me a better icon ;-), or for other freeware programs I can develop, contact me as dce@netcom.com. Special thanks to Paul Butcher for developing Dropper. ----------------------- 9 Nov 1995 - Version 2.0 by Niccolo Rigacci fd131@cleveland.freenet.edu Bug fixed: DropTrash now changes current drive before performing any directory deletion. Previous version caused the deletion of DropTrash directory instead of the dropped one if directories were on different drives. Source and project modified for Microsoft Visual C++ 1.0. Icon changed, also. -----------------------