File_Handle (tm) ÚÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³³ File- ³³ ³ÀÄÄÚÂÄÄÄÁÁÄÄ¿ ³ Ú³³ and ³³ ÀÄÁÁ³ÀÄÄÄÚÂÄÄÁÁÄÄÄ¿ ³ Ú³³Program³³ ÀÄÁÁÁ³ÀÄÄÄÄÚÂÄÁÁÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ÚÂÂij³Manager³³ ÀÄÁÁÁijÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³ ³ ÚÂÂÄÄ¿ ³ ÀÄÁÁÁÄÄÁÄÄÙ Copyright 1993-1995 by Hasoft (tm) and Arjen van Andel All rights reserved Meeuwensedijk 10, 4268 GV, MEEUWEN Holland, Europe ---------------------------------------------------------------- This document describes: - Short Installation Procedure - Short Program Instructions - What's New ---------------------------------------------------------------- Install ------- If you want to install this program, but it didn't come with so- me sort of menu driven installer, you can use the INSTALL.BAT program, or copy the files directly to the directory of your choice. You may have to extract the programs first with a de-archiver. Do this in a temporary directory or on a floppy. Then enter: sourcedrive:INSTALL sourcedrive: destdrive: fhdirname Example: A:INSTALL A: C: FH (There is *NO* '\' between 'C:' and 'FH'!) The directory 'FH' is created automatically if it does not exist. Basic Control ------------- - Top-Menu (Alt) -------- Hold down Alt, and enter a highlight from the Top-menu. - Bottom-Menu (Alt+Space, Mouse: þ4 ... þ8) ----------- The Bottom-menu works with function keys F1-F10, together with any combination of Shift/Ctrl/Alt. For easier control of this interface, press Alt+Space to open a menu containing all combinations. Use Up- and Down-arrow keys to pick a menu, and press the appropriate function key for the column. - Pick lists or pop-up menus work with Alt+Letter and also Up- and Down-arrow or the highlighted character followed by Enter. - Use F3 to accept (most) commands, not Enter. Tab opens window. Mouse ----- If you have a mouse, use it, it will make your life so much ea- sier while exploring File_Handle. All options can be controlled without the keyboard (except entering names, dates and times). What's New ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- April 1, 1995 - First Release 0.99. NON- ---------------------------------------------------------------- May 1, 1995 - Release 1.00. Approved. - I now have status - Included the VTOC into the check for identifing CD-ROM's. - Added Multiple wildcard capability to the Finder and the Filter. - Better behavior on exit in the case of removed startup media. - Filenames containing the percent sign '%' resolved. - Errors/attention-requesting processes now have a distinct own beep. - Improved behavior of errors. - Added an Error-Log which saves the last five errors. (Alt+F1) - Sound can now be switched off in four stages. ---------------------------------------------------------------- May 6, 1995 - Release 1.01. - File_Handle now follows DOS's screen resolution. - This release has an option to adjust the width of the tree. - The silent-exit problem is dealt with (QEMM's #13 exception). ---------------------------------------------------------------- May 12, 1995 - Release v1.02. - The archive extractor now asks for a destination. - A bug in the F3-blocking system overwrote the F3-Popup. - Improved speed of some of the selection functions by +400%. - This release features Tree-compression on top of the 'Twidth'. ---------------------------------------------------------------- June 1, 1995 - v1.03. First Release for CD-ROM. - The Finder now handles paths from tree other than current dir. - The Finder used inproper call to free its work space. - The Finder now shows which directory is being scanned. ---------------------------------------------------------------- June 2, 1995 - v1.03. - Checks free space on destination. - 'BETA TEST SITE' was accidentally deleted from REGISTER.DOC. ---------------------------------------------------------------- June 3, 1995 - v1.03. - The diskspace check now works for the Finder and highlight-mode. ---------------------------------------------------------------- June 7, 1995 - v1.03. - The help-viewer now has bookmark for every document. - Changing attributes on CD-ROM changed screen. - Aborting from a critical error produced sometimes garbage screen. ---------------------------------------------------------------- June 15, 1995 - v1.04. - Now has search capabilities for the help-viewer. - New detection scheme for removable media. - All removable drives are left out of the Finder's System list. - The thumb in the viewer now represents the byte position in help. - Right click in thumb area will 'Go To' that location in the help. ---------------------------------------------------------------- June 18, 1995 - v1.04cáeta. - The wipe pop up (RmDir) in the tree now has a progress indicator. - The progress indicator now runs towards the destination. - Copy/Move asks to strip Read-Only attribute. - Copy/Move sets Archive attribute. - Revised the way greek-masks were build for the bottom menu. - Slow DOS operations show a ...Working... message. ---------------------------------------------------------------- June 23, 1995 - v1.04dáeta. - Revised support removable media DOS versions prior to 3.31. - The resetmode for the mouse can be controlled via the commandline. - Added DirsUp (Ctrl+F6) to File-Window. It places 1st file at home. ---------------------------------------------------------------- June 28, 1995 - v1.04eáeta. - Tree-reconstruction sometimes didn't work if tree not loaded. - The the tree-repair mechanism is now reinstated. - The topmenu helpline now shows copy or move activity. - Renaming a file will now set Archive attribute. - DirsUp (Ctrl+F6) is now called FilesF (Files First). ---------------------------------------------------------------- July 3, 1995 - v1.04gáeta. - Finder now uses default driveletter of the right window too. - Associative Response File (.ARF) now replaces various .BAT files. ---------------------------------------------------------------- July 6, 1995 - v1.04háeta. - Reworked the memory allocation/reallocation scheme. - Search speed Read-Only/System attribs has now been quadrupled. ---------------------------------------------------------------- July 6, 1995 - v1.04iáeta. - Improved up/downward compatibility of logfiles. ---------------------------------------------------------------- July 9, 1995 - v1.04jáeta. - Edit-label command gives a "cannot modify" message in advance. - The FH_EXEC.ARF file will be reread when it's edited from within FH; new commands can be used right away. - Added remapping of drives to FH (Networks). ---------------------------------------------------------------- July 11, 1995 - v1.04káeta. - Tree-reconstructor sometimes positioned cursorbar wrong. - F6/F7 in Finder moves the cursor to System/Drive field. - Home and End now work in Finder's entry screen. ---------------------------------------------------------------- July 14, 1995 - v1.04láeta. - The ARF prevents loading of device drivers and TSR programs. ---------------------------------------------------------------- July 18, 1995 - v1.10. - Rebuilded various documentation for VENDINFO.DIZ. ---------------------------------------------------------------- August 1, 1995 - v1.10a-fáeta - Some bits were left ON in the greek mask for the bottom menu. - Modified buffer length for the program paths for Windows '95/NT. CAUTION: This problem has our attention, but for now beware of operations on program paths longer than the DOS limit; about 67 characters including the drive letter. This is a 'standard' problem for all DOS programs, they just don't know about the new environments. File_Handle has already some support built in, but since there are many different network systems around, and many DOS-compatible OS's, Hasoft cannot take any respon- sibility for loss of data on non-standard DOS systems. ---------------------------------------------------------------- August 13, 1995 - v1.11 - Detection ramdisk DOS versions prior to 4.00 sometimes incorrect. ---------------------------------------------------------------- August 17, 1995 - v1.11a-c - Accessing registration screen during reminder disabled bottom menu. - The Finder sometimes called realloc instead of alloc. - Spaces in ARF after continuation ('+') are removed. - Rename improperly updated window in particular circumstances. ---------------------------------------------------------------- August 22, 1995 - v1.11d - The RmDir function now has a "Don't check directories" option. - Now has SetARF (Shift+Alt+F2) for editing the FH_EXEC.ARF file. ---------------------------------------------------------------- August 25, 1995 - v1.11e - Now have E-mail address for support and requests. Reworked all documentation, sign-on, VENDINFO.DIZ/DOZ, registration form, etc. ---------------------------------------------------------------- August 30, 1995 - v1.11f - Today (F5) in Finder setup screen now places cursor on date field. ---------------------------------------------------------------- September 1, 1995 - v1.11g - An info pop up separates collision check from copy/move operation. - The Free Space Check in the Finder didn't show the destination. ---------------------------------------------------------------- September 5, 1995 - v1.11h - Test-FH.PIF was accidentally copied to distribution packages. ---------------------------------------------------------------- September 9, 1995 - v1.11i - Shareware explanation screen was accidentally skipped in code. ---------------------------------------------------------------- September 15, 1995 - v1.11j-l - Finder sometimes used path of a previous quickfind operation. - Added an email-address field to the registration screen. - File_Handle now has a SWREG ID on CompuServe. (#7618) - Removed the need for Novell to supply the [.] and [..] to FH. - Help (F1) locked the computer when called from reminder screen. ---------------------------------------------------------------- October 10, 1995 - v1.11m (Internet versions have k by mistake) - New 10 digit phone and fax numbers. ---------------------------------------------------------------- October 11, 1995 - v2.00 - Since many different 1.11 versions exist (1.11a-1.11m), version 2.00 is now distributed for clarity, among other reasons. I usually do not increase version numbers too fast. This may have misled the (potential) user, into thinking that newer versions are only bugfix releases (they are too, of course) instead of being a new version with added functionallity. - The free upgrade offer for point releases has been extended to include this major version too. Registered users may apply their key file to this version free of charge. - All .DOC files are now renamed to .TXT so Windows users can read them without having to load Word. - Reversed use of the ARF is now possible. The Rebuild and Show groups from the ARF file can now be forced upon any file. You can, for instance, run a HEX editor on EXE files, instead of executing them. This will make the ARF system functional for those of you who apply no strict rules for file names, and - in particular - file extentions. (Or are forced to work with such files) - The 'Run' button in the bottom menu (Shift+Ctrl+F9) has been re- defined and renamed 'RunARF' to launch the reversed-ARF feature. This means there is no 'Run' button anymore, you must now use 'Enter' or a left double mouse click instead, to start a file off. - SetArf is now moved from Shift+ALT+F2 to Shift+CTRL+F2, so both RunArf and SetARF are in the same line of the menu. - On some Monochome systems the Totals mode of the Tree-Window overwrites the border on empty directories. This did not show up on color systems, so I missed it. ---------------------------------------------------------------- November 5, 1995 - v2.01 - Better detection of the various video systems. Some old videocards (their BIOS) got confused by the way File_Handle tried to control them. This is hard to detect, because one CGA card, for instance, works while another won't. - An oversight during the conversion to 43/50 lines made the video buffer too large. This seemingly has no effect on modern video systems, but two users reported problems with their older (CGA/MDA) video cards. My test included these systems, but apparently there are differences among them, since I never noticed any problems. - When an application switched to 25 lines while FH follows DOS' 50 or 43 lines, the mouse cursor was swithed off after the application returned. - Accept (F3) now duplicates Enter in the pop up menus.